Bolshevik Revolution
The Bolshevik Revolution was a planned affair. On October 13th the Bolsheviks gained control of Patrograd. Following, on October 23rd they took Moscow. Together on November 7th, the Bolsheviks with Trotsky and the Sovierts, arrested the Provisional Govenement and siezed power- with limited resistance -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Lenin, as one of the main leaders within the New government, opened peace negotiations with Germany. In Lenin's opinion there was no way Russia could face large problems while still fighting a foreign war. He was willing to give up huge parcels of land in exchange for peace; this was done in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. -
War Communism
The nationalization of industry. State put the mining, timber, steam driven mills etc, together with few minor industries. Compulsory labour introduced. Private trade was supressed and replaced with government distribution of food and other necessities. Eventually all land became state property only used by those who could cultivate it themselves. Authorities ordered all peasants to turn in their entire produce with resistance. Communism then swung into full force. -
Russian Civil War
Petrograd, Mosvow and Kier were areas controlled by Reds (Bolsheviks). In outlawing areas the Whites (all those oppposed to Reds) often controlled the countryside. In 1918, 14 countries sent troops the USSR (where there was very little actual fighting). Interventionists supplied the Whites with equipment and protection. This set the new communist regime against the capitalist West from the beginning. The Red's as they controlled the heart of Russia through the war (eg. industry, population). -
New Government
The first two initiatives in Lenin's new government were: the war should be ended immediately and the peasants should seize the land. (Peasants had already been doing this but now it was formalized) Lenin lead the country on the strength of his personaliy, although he was a strict Marxist. The Soviets established a new governmetudr the Council of the People's Commissars (Bolsheviks who granted themselves supreme power). Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were the main leaders. -
New Economic Policy
By 1921 it was decided that War Communism was not putting the USSR on the road to economic recovery. In March 1921 the New Economic Policy was launched. Some private trade was permitted. Peasants were allowed to sell surplus (biggest benefit). Small factories (25 employees or less) could purchase their factory under a cooperative arrangment and then return it to a form of private ownership. -
Treaty of Rapallo
USSR and Germany agreed that USSR would manufacture illegal war material for Germany forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles. In return the USSR would recieve steel manufacturing from Germany. -
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Also known as the Pact of Paris- supported by the USA. Declaration of policy by five nations (including Germany, USSR, and USA). Denounced war as a method of solving disputes. -
Five Year Plans
Met its goals in the oil industry. The enormous cost of human suffering was justified by Stalin as a necessity if the USSR was not to be crushed by her enemies. -
Normalization/ Rapprochement
USSR began to participate in any affairs possible to encourage collective security in the West (signed Kellogg-Briand pact. Joined the League of Nations in 1934 and signed a number of pacts with European countries. -
League of Nations
In 1934 the USSR joined the League of Nations and also signed a number of treaties with other European countries. As well as non aggressive pacts with Czechoslovakia and Rumania. -
The Purges
From the Russian point of view the greatest mistake Stalin made was varrying it into the Red army. He executed one fifth of officers in the army. "Show trials" developed which were known as when enemies of the state got on the stand and "confessed" their parts against the state and/or Stalin. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
An agreeement of strict neutrality between Germany and the USSR was signed. Nazis and Soviets still hated each other. Hitler got a one front war with the West. Stalin got time to prepare. The secret part of the agreement was the division of Poland.