Period: to
Russian History
Decembrist Revolt
A Group of nobels led an uprising in protest of Nicholas I taking the thone over his brother Constatine. -
The Emancipation of russian serfs
Alexander II issues a decree that abolishes the pratice of serfdom.
Serfs are now allowed to buy land, marry, and own businesses -
The social democrtaic party splits.
The social democratic party was a revolutionary party that wanted the destruction of capitalism and to overthrow the czar. -
The russian war with Japan
Russia and japen fought a war over the control of manchuria and Korea. -
Bloody sunday
Russian workers wanted better economic equality. So they protested the Czar directaly and the cheif of security ordered the police to shoot the protesters killing over 100 people and wounding even more. -
The Revolution of 1905
The wide spread revolt of russian peasants, workers, military, and nonrussian parts of the empire. -
Nicholas advocates the throne
After Nicholas advocated the throne a new provisional government is set up to replace the czar. -
Bolshevik revolution
Following russian struggles in ww1 there is a petograd and the army joins the striking workers -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russia gives up Ukraine, Poland, and Baltic as a peace treaty for germany. -
Russian civil war
A war between Mensheviks (whites) and Bolsheviks (red)