Mother  russia


By Luke!
  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    Decembrist Revolt- December 26, 1825
    It was a revolt led by Russian revolutionaries that was unsuccessful. It wasn’t planed very well and didn’t have many people. It was crushed, but people will get inspired later generations.
  • Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia

    Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia
    Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia- October 20, 1894
    Nicholas II took over after his father died. Nicholas II was not a good ruler, and will become the last czar. He learned information about the military from his tutor. He loves his family and takes a lot of pictures with them. He cares more about his family then ruling Russia. He believed in gob very much. Nicholas II didn’t trust his ministers, because he thought there was smarter then him and would tell the people bad thing about him.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    Tensions were high with Russia and Japan, because they both wanted Korea and Manchuria. That led to surprise attack from Japan on the Russian port, Port Arthur, and took it over. Then in March Japan attacked Korea and overran the country. The Russian kept losing battles, then they went of the offense and they attacked using the Trans-Siberian Railroad, but lost due to poor military leadership. The final battel totaled over 200,000 deaths. Japan was out o
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    People marched to the Winter Palace to get free speech and the right to vote. Soldiers started shooting at the protesters. About 5,000 died and thousands more were sent to forced labor in Siberia. People didn’t trust the czar anymore and nicknamed Nicholas II Bloody Nicholas.
  • World War I (Russian involvement)

    World War I (Russian involvement)
    Russia was always worried about Germany becoming stronger. Germanys closes ally(Austrira-Hungary) are arguing with Russia over Balkans mountains. Then A Serbia terrorist assassinated the Archduke of Austra-Hungary. They declared war on Serbia and Germany declared war on Russia, Serbia’s ally. Russia had the biggest army, but not enough transportation or weapons. Many untrained men went into fighting and Russia lost two million people.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    People were very angry, because there country lost a lot of people in the war. Also there is not a lot of food available for the people so they got angry at the government.
  • Czar NicholasII abdicates the throne

    Czar NicholasII abdicates the throne
    Workers wanted more money so they could by the expensive food. The factory locked them out of work, than the people were not getting paid, so they couldn’t afford food. The got more people to go on strike and the Russia parliament told Czar Nicholas II to give the people the emergence food supplies, but he denied it. People went into prisons and got people out. Riots got wrose, so Nicholas II thought if he left the throne he and his family wo
  • The Russian Civil War Begins

    The Russian Civil War Begins
    Many groups didn’t like Lenin’s Bolsheviks. They created their own groups. It was Lenin’s Bolsheviks, the Red Army (communist) against the noncommunist the White Army. The Red Army had more people and stronger military, so they won.
  • The creation of the USSR

    The creation of the USSR
    Lenin took over Russia. He wanted a union for all soviet territory, so he named it Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
  • Vladimir Lenin’s death- January 21, 1924

    Vladimir Lenin’s death- January 21, 1924
    He died because of a brain hemorrhage when he was 54. Many people believed that he was poisoned, but that is not the case. His body is now in Lenin's Mausoleum. Russia preserved his body, and it can still be viewed today.