Russia 1894-1945: Tsardom and Communism

  • Period: to


    • 'Little father of Russia'
    • Sergei Witte appointed as minister- oil and coal production trebled, Witte was disowned.
    • Same happened with Stolypin
    • Autocracy
    • aristocracy made up 1.5% of society but owned 25% of the land
    • Support grew temporarily when he decided to become commander for WW1
    • Dissolved 3 Dumas.
  • The Socialist Revolutionaries

    • Radical Movement
    • Aim: to hand over huge estates of nobility to peasants.
    • Believed in a violent struggle
    • Assassinated two government officials
    • Wide support in towns and countryside
  • The Social Democratic Party

    • Smaller More disciplined Party
    • Followed ideas of Karl Marx
    • Party split into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, both of which were illegal.
  • 1905 Revolution and October Manifesto

    • 200,000 peaceful protesters led by Father Gapon
    • at least a hundred killed, over a hundred injured- event known as Bloody Sunday
    • Wave of strikes and protests in many cities
    • Potemkin Mutiny in June 1905
    • Tsar survived by issuing October Manifesto, which gave concessions to middle class (Duma, freedom of speech, right to form political parties)
  • The (multiple dissolved) Dumas

    • Duma gathered for the first time in 1906.
    • Tsar continued to rule without taking them seriously
    • 1st and 2nd were critical of the Tsar so he dissolved them quickly.
    • 1907, Tsar changes rules so his opponents can't be elected into Duma
    • The third Duma lasted until 1912 (this was only because they were less critical of Stalin and they could not make any changes to his regime)
  • Period: to

    Pyotr (Peter) Stolypin

    • Carrot and stick approach
    • Stick: Over 20,000 strikers, protesters and revolutionaries exiles, over 1,000 hanged- Brutal suppression
    • Carrot: He allowed wealthier peasants to opt out of Mir communes and buy land. These wealthier peasants were called Kulaks. Production increased significantly.
    • impressive economic growth between 1908 and 1911
    • Assassinated in 1911
  • The First World War

    • Russia enters First World War.
    • Tensions within Country seem to ease.
    • Display of patriotism and Tsar is Popular.
  • Impacts of First World War- Military

    • Early on in the war, they suffered defeats at Tannenburg and Masurian Lakes
    • They were badly led and treated appallingly by aristocrat officers.
    • Poorly supported by industries at home- short of rifles, ammunition, artillery and shells. Many didn't even have boots!
    • Tsar takes control of army in 1915
    • Defeats throughout 1916, Tsar held personally responsible.
  • Impacts of the First World War- Socio-economic

    • The war has killed 13% of the population by August 1916
    • This left many widows and Orphans needing war pensions
    • War contracts created an extra 3.5 million jobs between 1914 and 1916
    • Food and Fuel shortages- couldn't be transported into cities
    • Inflation.
  • PG + war

    • main decisions to make: Continue war or make peace (continued), distribute land or wait until elections, how to get food to workers
    • Bolshevik Opposition:
    • Led by Lenin - 'peace, land and bread'
    • led to revolution
  • Cheka

    • Lenin set up secret police to root out potential enemies of the country, eg, army deserters
    • Brutal, dictatorship
    • 200,000 members by 1921
  • Kornilov revolt

    • Lavr Kornilov made an attempt to seize power
    • Army led by Kerensky
    • Response: Bolsheviks ready in case of combat
    • Trotsky elected president of Petrograd Soviet
  • Rasputin

    • 'cured' Alexei Romanov of his haemophilia
    • Won support of Tsarina- influenced her decisions greatly
    • Rumours of an affair between Tsarina and Rasputing
    • Government/ people in cabinet disliked him
  • The Tsar's Abdication- The February Revolution

    • January- Strikes broke out in some cities
    • February- Strikes spread
    • Supported by Tsar's army
    • 7th March- Workers at Putilov steelworks go on strike
    • They joined thousands of women (International Women's day)
    • 7-10 March: number of strikers rose to 250000
    • Duma set up a provisional committee
    • 12 March: Tsar orders soldiers to put down revolts with force and they refuse, shooting down their own officers.
    • Tsar abdicated on 15th March.
  • Period: to

    Provisional Government

    • members: revolutionaries with no experience of government.
    • Kerensky: Justice Minister in PG, member of Petrograd Soviet -Worked with Soviets spring 1917
  • July Days

    • spontaneous uprising
    • Caused by PG's escalation of War effort, collapse of the government's ministry, bolshevik propaganda
    • Neither Soviets or Bolsheviks prepared to help
    • Lenin - underwhelming and didn't support which caused an uproar
    • Lenin forced to flee
    • over 100,000 people on streets of Petrograd
    • over quickly
    • Bolsheviks held responsible
    • 700 dead
  • October Revolution

    • Bolsheviks stormed the winter Palace with little opposition
    • Arrested ministers of PG
    • Kerensky escaped
    • underwhelming
    • unpopularity of PG > popularity of Bolsheviks
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    • White army composed of anti-Bolshevik politicians (eg Socialist Revolutionaries) in Russia and foreign countries (eg Czech Legion) against Communist Russia
  • Period: to

    Vladimir Lenin

    • Bolshevik revolutionary leader took over from Provisional Government in 1917 with help of Trotsky
    • Marxist, Communist dictator
  • The Red Army

    • Founded, all men over 18 eligible, combination of old imperial army and of volunteers
    • answerable to Bolshevik government, fighting political enemies, civil war
  • The Red Terror

    • over 200,000 non-Communists and suspected opponents killed
    • Trotsky ruthless leader
    • both Reds and Whites were brutal, killed many civilians
  • War Communism

    • Lenin imposed harsh economic measures to put Communist theories into practice in Russian society and to help Civil War efforts by redistributing food, weapons, etc.
    • large factories nationalised
    • much harsher discipline for workers
    • grain requisitioning - causing Civil War Sausage, up to 7 million Russians died in 1921 famine
    • free enterprise and private trade illegal - causing Cigarette Lighterism
  • Constituent Assembly

    • Lenin's initial attempt at reinforcing a democratic system - proportional representation!- failed, as Socialist Revolutionaries rather than Bolshevik party gained majority
    • Illegally dissolved this using Red Guards, replaced with Bolshevik majority Congress of Soviets to pass laws, for dictatorship
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    • Getting Russia out of WWI
    • 34% population lost
    • 32% agricultural land lost
    • 54% industry lost
    • 26% railways lost
    • 89% coal mines lost
  • Death of Tsar

    • was being held in Ekaterinburg with family
    • Trotsky ordered them to be shot as White forces were approaching, did not want a figurehead for anti-Communists
  • Leon Trotsky

    • ruthless leader of Red Army, 300,000 men, strict discipline, holding families hostage to maintain troops' loyalty
    • destroyed Admiral Kolchak's forces in 1919, large major White army defeated in Crimea 1920
    • Trotsky used propaganda through railway network, cinematics and speeches for morale
  • New Economic Policy

    • Grain requisitioning abolished -> 'tax in kind' (lower taxes) -> could sell their own surplus
    • Ban on private trade removed
    • Small businesses re-opened
    • State control of heavy industry
  • Kronstadt Uprising

    • Mutiny on Kronstadt naval base
    • 60,000 troops
    • Killed over 1000 sailors
    • Lenin removed war communism policies after this
  • Triumvirate

    • Stalin, Zinoviev, Kamenev forming triumvirate against right-wing Bukharin
    • has idea of 'Socialism in One Country', 1925, Trotsky sacked as War Commissar
  • Lenin's funeral + Testament

    • Stalin gave Trotsky the wrong date + appeared to mourn a lot
    • boosted his own imagine
    • Lenin's Testament was never released - would have ended Stalin's career + put Trotsky in power
    • Ban on factions - can't divide parties
  • Kamenev, Zinoviev, Trotsky expelled from Communist Party

    • Stalin introduces idea of 'Socialism in One Country'
  • Collectivisation

    • Established during First Five Year Plan
    • Removed private ownership of land
    • Sovkhozes (state farms) proved too expensive and were shut down
    • Kolkhozes (collective farms consisting of small plots, all produce to state) were established to try to use machinery for faster production (Motor Tractor Stations)
  • First Five Year Plan

    • 1928 to 1932
    • Focused on materials such as coal, crude oil, iron steel etc.
    • Most targets were not met
    • New technology flourished, such as dams and hydroelectric power systems as well as settlements in remote locations where natural resources were abundunt
  • Period: to

    Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

    • Started the Five Year Plans
    • Began 'Purges'
    • Was General Secretary to Lenin before his death
  • Dekulakisation

    • Stalin hated Kulaks (prosperous peasants/ former NEP men who owned land) due to their making profits, employment of others, independence (resisting central control)
    • Led to 10 million people being taken, decreased in grain production (leading to famine between 1932-34)
    • Grain requisition (taking of required food regardless of will) and increased propaganda against kulaks encouraged them to burn crops and slaughter animals as to not give them to the Communists
  • Cult of Personality

    • Stalin shown as wisest/ all powerful man who could do no wrong to stop further conflict against him
    • Rewrote history books against old Bolshevik leaders as propaganda
    • Controlled culture/ arts/ music: to be understood by everyone to contain the spread of socio-political messages and to spark happiness amongst citizens
    • Control on religion: 60,000 places of worship shut down, 'League of Godless' destroyed churches
    • Education made compulsory, revolved around propaganda and censorship
  • Life

    • No unemployment
    • Free health service
    • 7 day week
    • Free sports/ leisure facilities
    • Absence from work was criminalised
    • Pay rise did not keep up with cost rises
  • Nationality

    • Stalin wanted everyone to be 'Soviet'
    • Sent populations back to to homelands in Siberia etc.
    • Sent 172,000 Koreans to Uzbekistan/ Kazakhstan
  • The Second Five Year Plan

    • 1933 to 1937
    • While heavy industry was still a priority, secondary industry such as mineral farming, textiles and entertainment were also developed
    • 1 doctor per 40 people
    • Transport and communications also boosted (railways and canals in particular, note: Moscow underground railway)
    • Farming machinery developed
  • The Purges

    • 7 million people 'disappeared'
    • Leaders, creatives, scientists, army members
    • Sent to gulags/ labour camps or killed
  • Show Trials

    • Removal of old Bolshevik leaders aware of Lenin's testament
    • Ridiculous claims
    • 35 removed
  • The Third Five Year Plan

    • 1938 to 1941 (interrupted by Russia's involvement in WW2)
    • Industrialisation boomed due to new industrial cities, slave labour (from the purges/ gulags/ labour camps)
    • Stalin thought Russia was 100 years behind West
    • Women encouraged to work
  • WW2 ( The Great Patriotic War)

    • Cult of Sacrifice
    • Propaganda - 'kill him', national anthem
    • military reforms
    • Gulag prisoners to fight - exploited - always intended purpose? - labourers produced 15% of ammunition + uniform
    • Scorched Earth Policy
    • Hitler surrendered 1943
    • more soviets died defending Stalingrad than USA lost overall