Russia 1881-1914

By naguymr
  • Alexander II dies

  • Manifesto on unshakeable autocracy

  • Alexander II's reforms abandoned

  • Jews banned from living in rural areas and towns

  • Alexander III is crowned Tsar of Russia

  • Leaders of "the people's will" were hanged

  • Attempted assasination on the royal family

  • Power of the local government restricted

  • Nicholas II's coronation

  • Alexander III died

  • Start of the Russo-Japanese war

  • Bloody sunday

  • Japanese fleet defeats Russia in a Naval Battle

  • Mutiny on the battleship Potemkin

  • October manifesto instored

  • Stolypin appointed as the prime minister of Russia

  • First Duma created

  • Land reforms helps peasants buy land

  • Stolypin gets killed by revolutionnaries

  • Lena Goldfield strike