
  • Marxists Revolutionaries Split

    Marxists Revolutionaries Split
    They disagreed over revolutionary tactics. The more Radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader
  • The Russo-Japanese War begins

    The Russo-Japanese War begins
    The Russians rejected the plans of the Japanese plan to divide Manchuria and Korea into spheres of influence.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Police and troops open fire on a peaceful protest, killing and injuring around 1000 people!
  • State Duma

    The first meeting of Duma is called to order.
  • World War One

    World War One
    Germany declares war on Russia, entering the World War
  • Nicholas the Second

    Nicholas the Second
    Nicholas the Second steps down from the throne and his brother rejects the throne. Then a provisional government is formed with Prince Lvov leading
  • The Decree on the Press

    Abolished the Bourgeois Press
  • World War One

    Russia stops participating in the War
  • Red Army

    Red Army
    Red army invades, making the white army withdraw
  • Kronstadt mutiny

    Unsuccessful rebellion against the Bolsheviks
  • Soviet Union

    The Soviet Union was created