Soviet flag


  • Jun 10, 1200

    Mongols Invade

    Mongols Invade
    From 1200 to 1400 the Mongols (Mongolia) invaded Russia. Yet, Moscow was never conquered.
  • May 9, 1542

    Ivan the Terrible

    Ivan the Terrible
    Anyone who opposed him would be killed. He comissioned St. Basil's Cathedral with the iconic onion domes. He gauged the eyes out of the person who built it so he could not use his ideas to build anything else.
  • Peter The Great Becomes Czar

    Peter The Great Becomes Czar
    Peter The Great became czar when we was only 10 years old. He used to play war games with his real soldiers. Some were killed!
  • France Invades

    France Invades
    Napoleon and his French army invade Russia. They entered with 600,000 men and left with less than 10,000.
  • U.S. buys Alaska

    U.S. buys Alaska
    Alaska was sold to the USA for $7.2 million. Alaska is our 49th state.
  • Czar Alexander II was killed

    Czar Alexander II was killed
    Alex II was murdered by a terrorist bomb. But after that, Alexander III ordered the first Faberge Egg.
  • First Faberge Egg

    First Faberge Egg
    Faberge PicturePicture
    Czar Alexander III comissioned the first Faberge Egg 1n 1885. The egg was given to Maria, his wife, as a present. It was a tradition until 1917.
  • Trans-Siberian Railroad

    Trans-Siberian Railroad
    The Trans-Siberian Railroad was completed in 1899 and is 4500 miles long. It went all across Siberia, hence the term Trans-Siberian.
  • Last Czar Family Murdered

    Last Czar Family Murdered
    First, the Romanovs were held under house arrest. then they moved to Siberia. Finally, the moved to Yekaterinburg. They were murdered there.
  • USSR is Established

    USSR is Established
    the newly formed Soviet Union was led by Vladimir Lenin for two years until he died of a stroke. The USSR stands for Union of Soviet Socialists Republic.
  • Stalin is Soviet Dictator

    Stalin is Soviet Dictator
    Stalin pictureIn 1929, Joseph Stalin became sole dictator of the Soviet Union. He set impossible quotas to help the industries grow. Under his rule, you could not practice religion or traditions and you could only speak Russian.
  • Space Race Begins

    Space Race Begins
    The Space Race between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialsits Republic. It started when USSR launched Sputnik 1. The U.S. thought it was launched to spy on them.
  • The Berlin Wall is No More

    The Berlin Wall is No More
    Berlin Wall pictureIn 1989, the Berlin wall was taken down. It kept East Berlin out of West Berlin.
  • Vladimir Putin is reinaugurated

    Vladimir Putin is reinaugurated
    Putin pictureVladimir Putin was inaugurated in 2000 as President of Russia. he served 2 terms until 2008. He is now succeeding Dmitry Mevedev.
  • Vikings Move to Russia

    Vikings Move to Russia
    In 860, the vikings crossed the Baltic sea from Sweden to somewhere west of the Ural Mountains. They set up small farming communities and eventually small kingdoms.
  • Period: to
