
  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    • A group of military officials staged a revolt against Tsar Nicholas I in St. Petersburg, Russia.
    • The rebels wanted a free Russian state, with a federal government and constitution, instead of government under the tsar.
    • The rebels hoped to set up a constitutional monarchy.
    • As a result, the rebels defeated the Tsar’s forces and then Nicholas I made new rules and regulations to prevent the spread of the liberal movement.
  • Emancipation of the Serfs

    Emancipation of  the Serfs
    • Serfs were bought and sold for money by a higher class, the nobles.
    • Serfs were finally set free and became citizens.
    • Even though the serfs became citizens, they still remained poor, and were considered a low class of society.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    • Father Gapon led a march to St. Petersburg to ask Nicholas II the current Czar, for better working conditions and freedoms.
    • Thousands of unarmed citizens marched to the palace and were shot by gaurds.
    • Many women, children, and men were killed.
    • The whole event was on Sunday, which is why the event was named Bloody Sunday.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    • Bloody Sunday sparked the Revolution of 1905
    • Many strike and riots happened throughout the city.
    • The “Duma” made reforms to control his country, but failed.
  • Russia Enters WWI

    Russia Enters WWI
    • Russia joined Britain and France in WWI to fight against Germany and Austria-Hungary.
    • Russia lacked in the war because Russia’s industries were not developed enough to meet the supply and demand needs.
    • Since the Russians lacked weapons and skilled leadership, Russia suffered many losses on the Eastern Front.
    • After the Russian Revolution in 1917, Russia withdrew from war.
  • Murder of Rasputin

    Murder of Rasputin
    • On December 16, 1916 Yussupov invited Rasputin to his home in St. Petersburg in hopes of killing him that night.
    • Yussupov reportedly shot Rasputin in the chest but he did not die.
    • Many people say that he then fled Yussupov’s house, and got shot many more times, and still did not die. So Rasputin went to a nearby bridge and threw himself into the Neva River.
  • Tsar Nicholas II Abdicates

    Tsar Nicholas II Abdicates
    • The Russian Tsar Nicholas II, signed his enforced abdication in 1917.
    • After Nicholas II gives up his throne, leaders of Duma, wanted to restore order, so therefore they set up the Provisional Government.
    • For the first time in Russia, Russia will have a new type of government, which included written laws instead of the decrees of the Tsar.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    • Russia’s army and workers went on strike, and abandoned the Tsar. Therefore, Tsar Nicholas lost control of his country.
    • The words, “bread and peace” were echoing the streets of Russia.
    • Many riots occurred in Petrograd, Russia about food shortages and the war.
    • This then cause the Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    • Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution.
    • The Bolshevik Revolution was created to organize the Soviets.
    • He gave peasants back their land.
  • Murder of the Romanovs

    Murder of the Romanovs
    • The Romanov family was murdered at Ekateringburg.
    • The Bolsheviks made the decision to kill Nicholas and his family.
    • A group of 12 red army soldiers showed up in the Romanov’s basement, and shot them all, until they were killed.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    • The Treaty of Versailles was a peace settlement.
    • The Treaty of Versailles made Germany pay for reparations and pay for the damage that the war created.
    • The Treaty of Versailles eventually set up the League of Nations.
  • Lenin Dies/USSR formed

    Lenin Dies/USSR formed
    • When Lenin died in 1924, the USSR was formed.
    • The union was over powered by the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic.
    • The USSR finally gained power, and got 15 republics.
  • Stalin Takes Power/Death of Trosky

    Stalin Takes Power/Death of Trosky
    • Agents of Stalin murdered Trotsky so that Stalin would eventually come into power.
    • Stalin won, and turned the Soviet Union into a socialist state.
    • Stalin was then forced to make economic decisions, and he made heavy industries.
    • To feed the peasants, Stalin created many farms.