
  • Treaty of Paris

    Was the treaty folling the defeat of Napoleon, was to having peace beetween France and Great Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia
  • Period: to

    Nicolas 1

    Was the zar who start his period with the Decembrist revolt thas was a revolt by officials of the army and some nobles that want to have constitucional monarchy
  • Decembrist revolt

  • Period: to

    November Uprising

    Was a rebelion against Russian doamin in Poland
  • Russia invade Ottoman empire

  • Period: to

    Crimean War

    Russia want to have influence in otoman empire but the alliance of the French Empire, the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Sardinia didnt want to have Russia there
  • Period: to

    Alejandro II

    Was the son of Nicolas I
  • Emancipation reform of 1861

    Was the refor in wich the peasants were released
  • Period: to

    January Uprising

    Was the revolution of Poland against Russia but with out success
  • Russia annexes Uzbekistan

  • Russia exchanges with Japan the Kurile Islands for the island of Sakhalin

  • The revolutionary society "Land and Freedom" is founded

  • Period: to

    Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)

    Russia want acces to the mediterranian sea and to set free Slavic from Balkan peninsula
  • Russia declares war on the Ottoman Empire to defend Bulgaria and Serbia

  • Russia defeats the Ottomans, but is stopped by Britain to protect its route to India and to prevent uprisings by Indian Muslims.

  • Persia loses Turkmenistan to Russia

  • Alejandro II was murdered

  • Period: to

    Alejandro III take the power in russia

  • Alexander II is assassinated and is succeeded by Alexander III, who enacts anti-terrorism laws that curb civil rights and freedom of the press

  • A wave of anti-Jewish pogroms causes mass migrations of eastern European Jews

  • Russia abandons Turkestan which is annexed by China

  • Russia conquers Merv (Turkmenistan)

  • Russians and Great Britain compete for control of Central Asia, turning Britain into an enemy.

  • Alexander III introduces a quota for Jewish students in universities

  • Alexander III reorganizes the zemstvo system so that the aristocratic landowners prevail (zemstvo counter-reform)

  • The great famine kills 500,000 people

  • Making of the Franco-Russian alliance

  • Marcus Samuel, a British Jew, introduces an oil tanker that can sail through the Suez canal to Bangkok

  • France and Russia sign an alliance

  • Nicholas II takes over as Czar and during his reign, Imperial Russia went from being one of the most greatest powers in the world to an economic disaster.

  • Period: to

    Nicolas II

  • Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) is arrested for revolutionary activities

  • China grants Russia permission to build the Chinese Eastern Railway across Manchuria to Vladivostok

  • Marxists groups unite in the Social Democratic Labour Party, while strikes and student riots spread

  • Russia expands in northern China

  • Russia enacts reforms to "Russificate" Finland

  • The population of Russia passes the 100 million mark and Moscow passes one million, and there are now two million industrial workers

  • Radical Marxists organize the Social Revolutionary Party

  • The Russian Orthodox Church excommunicates Lev Tolstoy

  • The Social Democratic Labour Party splits into Bolsheviks (led by Vladimir Lenin) and Mensheviks (led by Julius Martov)

  • Sergei Witte is dismissed by Nicholas II

  • the Trans-Siberian Railroad is completed

  • Russian expansion in Manchuria leads to war with Japan - and the 1905 revolution, which forced Tsar Nicholas II to grant a constitution and establish a parliament called Duma.

  • Period: to

    Russo-Japanese War

    Russia want to expand a have warmer waters but Japan didnt want to have Russia near its territory
  • Protesters march on the Winter Palace and soviets worker's councils are set up “Bloody Sunday”.

  • Nicholas II falls under the spell of Rasputin.

  • Leon Trotsky develops the theory of "Permanent Revolution"

  • The liberals organize the Cadets Party that favors a constitutional democracy

  • The czar dissolves the duma

  • Britain and Russia sign a treaty dividing Iran into respective spheres of influence, negotiating the status of Persia, Tibet and Afghanistan

  • More than 3,000 people are killed in terrorist attacks carried out by Social Revolutionaries

  • The second duma convenes, with a big increase for the leftist parties

  • The czar dissolves the second duma and changes the electoral law so that the aristocratic landowners win 50% of the seats, and the Right becomes the main party, followed by the Octobrists

  • Period: to

    Balkan Wars

  • The elections to the duma are rigged to reduce the Octobrists

  • The great war

    Germany declare war to Russia
  • Rasputin is murdered.

  • Russia has already suffered almost two million deaths in WWI

  • Working-class women march in Petrograd to call for a general strike.

  • Nicholas II stepped down on March 15, ending a 300-year-old Romanov dynasty.

  • Aleksandr Kerensky is appointed by the Duma as prime minister of the provisional government

  • Bolsheviks overthrow the Kerensky government and install Lenin as leader of Russia ("october revolution")

  • Lenin sets up the terrorist police Cheka

  • Lenin signs a truce with Germany and accepts territorial losses

  • Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan proclaim their independence

  • Lenin nationalizes the factories, collectivizes the farms and outlaws the church

  • Civil war erupts between the Red Army of the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks (helped by Britain, Japan, USA)

  • Lenin changes the name of the Bolshevik party to Russian Communist Party

  • Moscow replaces St Petersburg as capital of Russia

  • Lenin orders the secret police to arrest and/or kill the anarchists

  • The Soviet Union begins to nationalize the industry

  • Stalin accepts Hitler’s proposal to a non-agressive pact with Nazi Germany

  • The Red Army invades Poland

  • The USSR invades Lithaunia, Estonia and Latvia.

  • The USSR enters to a neutrality pact with Japan

  • Hitler breaks the pact he had with the USSR with Operation Barbarossa, invading Soviet-held territories.

  • The USSR becomes and allied power.

  • The Battle of Stalingard, in which Germany fails to take Stalingard and makes the war como to a turning point.

  • The USSR takes back half of the territory taken by Germans.

  • Berlin is encircled by soviet fronts, which causes the victory of the Allied Powers.

  • Cold War Begins

  • Russia enters war against Japan

  • Marshall Plan is announced

  • Communist takeover in Czechoslovakia

  • Berlin Blockade begins

  • Berlin Blockade ends

  • Soviets explode first atomic bomb

  • KGB

  • Khrushchev demands withdrawal of troops from Berlin.

  • Khrushchev visits United States; denied access to Disneyland

  • Soviet Union reveals that U.S. spy plane was shot down over Soviet territory

  • The border of Berlin is closed and the construction of the Berlin Wall begins

  • North Korea captured U.S.S. Pueblo

  • Soviet troops crush Czechoslovakian revolt

  • Mikhail Gorbachev ascends to power in Soviet Union

  • Gorbachev ends economic aid to Soviet satellites

  • Reagan and Gorbachev resolve to remove all intermediate nuclear missiles from Europe

  • Reagan and Gorbachev agree to remove all medium and short-range nuclear missiles by signing treaty

  • Soviet troops withdraw from Afghanistan

  • Berlin Wall falls

  • Communist governments fall in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Rumania; Soviet empire ends

  • Warsaw Pact ends

  • End of the Soviet Cold War Ends