WA was eshtembled
WA was eshtembled -
13 of May First Fleet Left
First Fleet Left Portsmouth -
11 ships
There was 504 men and 192 women convicts, guarded by 212 marines, plus 136 free people -
First Fleet Arrived
First Fleet arrived in Botany Bay -
First Fleet came to Sydney Cove
Botany Bay
There was no settlement in Botany Bay -
England to Australia
In 1795 the reliance sailed from England to Australia, carrying a new governor of New South Whales, Captain John Hunter. Also on board were Matthew Flinders and George Bass, who was the ships surgeon. -
Matthew Flinders
In the early 1800s, Matthew Flinders, a British sailor, became the first man to circummnavigate the southen continent. Later Matthew Flinders published the map of Austrila. -
Mathew Flinders sets sail to Australia
First covicts in Tasmania
Collins took a little group to Tasmania -
Mattew Flinders death
Mattew Flinders died on the 19 of July 1814 the same day he left England on the 19 of July 1801. He died at the age 40! -
Between 1824, when the Moreton Bay settlement was founded -
Changes in England
In the 1830s, people in England began to ask questions about the system of convict transportion. -
Changes to the Law
After 1820, the number of crimes punished by hanging was reduced, and the penalties for many smaller crimes were lessended. -
After 1832, for the first time, different kinds of criminals were divided into groups in prison. -
Burke and Wills the explorers
Burke and Wills were going across the country to make a telegrargh line.They left half the party at Cooper Creek.then on 16/12/1860 four of them- Burke, Wills, John King and Charles Gray went north. They left Gray and King at camp 119 and went west. They died a few weeks later. -
Send in the Troops
Troops were sent to the lambing Flat gold feilds in March 1861, and the Chinese miners returned. -
The largest nugget
It was found in Moligagul, Victoria. -
New South Whales was the first colony, sometimes called the "mother colony''. -
Gold Rush
During the late 1800s, rumours spred of a cave of gold and a mountain of blood red rubys hidden in ancient canyons!!