
Rules of Attraction

  • Exposition

    Place takes in Boulder, Colorado senior year at high school,
    Main characters Carlos Fuentes and Kiara Trailer
  • Rising Action

    Crlos was send to jail for having drugs in his locker and has to be send away or live with another family but not with his brother alex. The school principal allows him to live with him and his family.
  • Falling action

    Kiara's father payed off the money to bail Carlos out of the gang and to keep him safe.
  • Resolution

    Kiara was able to keep Carlos away from his bad friends and from the gangs. Also, Carlos went to the millitary to stay away from the gangs and show Kiaras father he could be a better person for his daughter.
  • Author

    the author is trying to say that people fall in love whith the one's you less expect to and nothing even the worst things in life can stop that.