Introduction to a Great Mind
Rudolph Carnap born 18 May 1891 and died 14 September 1970 was a German-language philosopher who was active in Europe before 1935 and in the United States thereafter. He was a major member of the Vienna Circle and an advocate of logical positivism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27wrZpGZcBg -
Der Raum
His Doctoral dissertation Der Raum, deals with the philosophy of space. Carnap recognizes the difference between three kinds of theories of space: formal, physical and intuitive. According to Carnap, the distinction between three different kinds of space is similar to the distinction between three different aspects of geometry: projective, metric and topological respectively. This distinction became the official position of logical empiricism on the philosophy of space. -
The Logical Syntax of Language
1934 - Syntax of Language was Rudolf Carnaps first publication. The book describes philosophical perplexities often arise from misunderstanding or misuse of language and that the way to resolve them is by a specific formal structure and that its signs are governed by deductive logic.
Philosophy aims at the logcal analysis of the language of science and thus is the logic of science. The theory of logic of syntax can be considered as a definite language and conceptual framework for philosophy. -
Meaning Postulates
Empiricism is the theory that all knowledge is derived from sense experience. Carnap suggested that analytic statements are those which can be derived from a set of appropriate sentences that he called meaning postulates. Such sentences define the meaning of non logical terms and thus the set of analytic statements is not equal to the set of logically true statements. Later in 1958 he expressed a general method for determining a set of meaning postulates for the language of a scientific theory. -
Philosophical Foundations of Physics
Carnap bases the distinction between observational and theoretical terms on the distinction between two kinds of scientific laws, namely empirical and theoretical. Empirical law deals with objects that can be observed or measured by means of simple procedures. Theoretical Law is concerned with objects or properties we cannot observe or measure but only infer through direct observation.
Carnap wrote a dissertation on physics through a philosophical view titled Der Raum in 1922.