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Rrefugee Action Plan

  • Integration of Refugees

    Integration of Refugees
    According to the population of the city of Kozani more than a thousand refugee families could be successfully integrated here, which is close to 4,000 people, in different facilities around the area.
  • Development of Entrepreneurship

    Development of Entrepreneurship
    For a project like this to be successful there has to be development of a refugee entrepreneurship program that will provide employment for all the families in need. That could be in the form of special positions in state owned businesses.
  • School Assistance

    School Assistance
    In every situation like this volunteers play a big role in achieving succession and our school should give the first example by helping out refugee children who may be struggling with their education and giving them a chance of having a future.
  • Communal Benefits

    Communal Benefits
    Lastly, the successfull integration of immigrants in our city will benefit the local community and also increase the population which has been on the low in recent years due to low birth rates or movements to more urban areas in other parts of Greece.