Birth of A. Kamea
Seven Hills, Mars, Sol System -
Birth of P. Rivera
Manassas General Hospital, Manassas, Alföld, Reach -
A. Kamea Enlists in UNSC Army
Birth of D. Evans
Pirth City General Hospital, Pirth City, Arcadia, Procyon -
A. Kamea is critically wounded
A. Kamea is critically injured during a URF Ambush. Evacuated to Hospital Ship. Declared Medically Unfit for Duty. -
Birth of T. Gillcrest
Helena Maternal Hospital, Paris, Troy, Hellespont System -
Birth of S. Belladonna
Eden General Hospital, Arcadia City, Arcadia, Procyon -
Birth of E. Watson
St George's Hospital, London, European Union, Earth -
Birth of O. Shaw
Ascension Seton Medical Center, Aspermont, Aleria, Elduros System -
Start of Human-Covenant War
Birth of A. Clarke
Salem Hospital, Salem, New England, Earth -
P. Rivera comes out as trans
She is run out of her family home as a result -
A. Kamea reenlists to Army
Humanity begins to see the writing on the wall. UEG goes into Total War standing. Kamea reenlists in the UNSC. Achieves candidacy for OCS. -
P. Rivera enlists into the Marines
P. Rivera Graduates from SOI
Assigned to 1-7, deployed to Harvest. She meets Valentine Harmon here. -
A. Kamea Completes OCS
She is sent to the 114th Mechanized as a 2nd Lieutenant -
A. Clarke's Family is Killed
While on the campaign trail in NYC, a bomb explodes and kills A. Clarke's entire family, scarring her mentally and physically -
P. Rivera Deployed to Jericho VII
E. Watson Goes To Ballet w/ Father
A. Kamea's Unit Is Destroyed
114th Mechanized is decimated during a Covenant invasion. Kamea is critically wounded assisting in the evacuation. The resulting retreat leaves most of her unit dead or medically unfit for duty. -
P. Rivera Awarded Colonial Cross
Harmon is killed, Rivera is awarded Colonial Cross. Rivera is given an honorable discharge from the Marines. -
P. Rivera Joins Army
After a short stay at home, P. Rivera enlists with the Army -
E. Watson Gets Kidnapped
E. Watson gets kidnapped and taken hostage, escapes captivity with assistance of the UEG Police -
P. Rivera Assigned to 373rd Airborne
After BCT, AIT, and Jump School, Rivera is assigned to the 373d Airborne. -
A. Kamea Transferred to 22nd RDF
UNSC Mother Dearest arrives in UNSC Space. Kamea undergoes medical treatment for wounds and is reinstated. Transferred to 22nd RDF to replace combat losses. Placed as Platoon Lead for Warhound Company, Pike Platoon. -
Period: to
P. Rivera Deployed to New Harmony
O. Shaw Starts Working On Aircraft
O. Shaw's Family Is "Killed"
His home is bombed by Insurrectionists, killing his mother and rendering his siblings missing -
O. Shaw Enlists with UNSC Army
Period: to
P. Rivera Deployed to Hellas
E. Watson Enlists with UNSC Army
S. Belladonna's Father Passes Away
S. Belladonna Enlists with 34th Marine Regiment
A. Clarke Enlists with 1st MEU
E. Watson Joins With 99th Infantry Brigade
S. Belladonna Completes Basic & Medical AIT
S. Belladonna Deploys To Alluvion
Evacuates glassing -
P. Rivera Graduates From NCO School
O. Shaw Transfers to 22nd RDF
S. Belladonna Deploys To Miridem
Goes MIA for 3 years -
O. Shaw and E. Watson First Meet
A. Clarke Transfers to 22nd RDF
Begins friendship with A. Kamea on March 5th -
Period: to
22nd RDF Deploys To Actium
A. Clarke, A. Kamea, O. Shaw, E. Watson, D. Evans and P. Rivera are all present. Lighthouse is permanently attached to Warhound CO -
Period: to
P. Rivera Deployed to Hardscrabble
Earns unit citation -
P. Rivera Offered Renlistment
Chooses to accept, selected for Ranger School -
O. Shaw and E. Watson Start A Relationship
Period: to
P. Rivera Goes Through Ranger School
Graduates with JTAC certification, sent on extended leave while awaiting posting -
E. Watson Is Mortally Wounded
She is put into Cryogenic sleep, awaiting revival -
S. Belladonna Enlists with 22nd RDF
O. Shaw Graduates Warrant Officer Candidate School
O. Shaw Graduates Flight School
A. Kamea and A. Clarke Engage In Fraternization
Due to both women being intoxicated while at a function on Cascade, they engage in a physical relationship -
A. Clarke Wounds Herself
This is done while confronting A. Kamea about the previous night. The two no longer talk after this, A. Clarke being transferred to 1-3 as their temporary SL. -
Period: to
O. Shaw and A. Clarke First Meet, Survive Together
While providing relief to a civilian population, O. Shaw and A. Clarke are shot down and they proceed to survive for a day. A. Clarke receives massive trauma and she sleeps for another day. -
A. Clarke Formally Diagnosed with Schizophrenia
This diagnosis is a result of repeated accounts of A. Clarke experiencing hallucinations. As a result, she is formally discharged from the Army, with the possibility of return later. -
E. Watson Is Transferred to Eir Rehabilitation Clinic in Sweden
A. Clarke is also sent to this clinic -
E. Watson Is Awoken From Cyrogenic Coma
A. Clarke is at the clinic as a patient, receives her along with E. Watson's family and O. Shaw -
P. Rivera Assigned to 22nd RDF
She is replacement SL for Pike 1-3 after they were massacred on Sonata