
  • The royals enterd in the amirican league

    The royals enterd in the amirican league
  • Is when the royals really started to play

  • sence april 10 1973 the royals have played at kauffman statium

  • George Bretts pine tar incident

    George Bretts pine tar incident
  • The royals played a big game aginst the yankees

    The royals played a big game aginst the yankees
  • The royals played the Yankees again and george brett hit a bom for a 2 run homerun.

    The royals played the Yankees again and george brett hit a bom for a 2 run homerun.
  • The royals played the blue jays and won.

  • The royals won the world series.

  • The 1-70 series started.

  • The royals maintained their repetition in the american league.

  • Decline on the in the post kaufman era.

  • Was the royals winning season.

    Was the royals winning season.
  • The royals hit rock bottom.

    The royals hit rock bottom.
  • They finally got respect from winning so many games.

    They finally got respect from winning so many games.
  • Royals went to the world series. And lost

    Royals went to the world series. And lost