John Lock 1632-1704
John Lock strongly influenced Thomas Jefferson in the writing of the Declaration of Independence. He believed that All people had the same rights and duties. These rights included liberty, life, and ownership of property, all of which made it into the declaration of independence. -
John Adams 1735 - 1826
John Adams played a leading role in the adoption of the Declaration of Independence which he also signed. And even when most other colonial leaders wanted to try and get along with Great Britain. He spoke out boldly for separation and independence. -
Benedict Arnold 1741-1801
Soon after the American Revolution began in 1775, Benedict Arnold was commissioned as a colonel in the patriot forces. Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen led the capture of Fort Ticonderoga, in New York, on May 10, 1775. -
Abigail Adams 1744 - 1818
During the American revolution Abigail Adams sent letters to her husband John Adams that provided valuable information about the British troops and ships in the Boston area. -
Proclamation of 1763
King George the third of England prohibited American colonial settlement west of the Appalachian mountains Native Americans had claimed these lands, and Britten hoped to avoid costly Indian wars. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was one of the events that led to the american revolution.The assignment of British army troops to Boston in 1768 upset local citizens. When about 60 people threatened a British sentinel a riot began. When the crowd grew and began to press into the soldiers they fired into the crowd killing 3 people and injuring 8 others 3 of them died later because of their injuries. -
Boston tea party
When the tea ships arrived in Boston Harbor, the colonists tried to get them sent back to England. Governor Thomas Hutchinson rejected those efforts. When the tea wouldn't be sent back about 100 men dressed as Indians boarded the ships and dumped the tea overboard. The British government reacted in 1774 by the intolerable acts which is one of the events that led to the American revolution. -
First Continental Congress
The first continental congress was a convention of delegates from the American Colonies.there first meeting was in Philadelphia. They met out of a desire for unity that was spreading through the colonies. -
Minutemen 1775 - 1783
Right before the war, the minutemen were trained and organized into military companies by the Colonists.. They were called minutemen because they were ready to fight "at a minute's notice." -
Deceleration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence listed the reasons that the colonists rejected British rule. Its first few paragraphs state that the people of every country have the right to change or overthrow any government that doesn't respect or tries to take away their natural right. The document also listed ways the British government didn't recognize American rights. -
The US Constitution
The US Constitution freed all slaves in the North. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of Jan. 1, 1863, had freed only the slaves in territories that were in rebellion against the United States