Rose for Emily timeline

  • Emily is born

    In 1862, Miss. Emily is born. And nothing is known about her till her father dies...
  • Emily's dad dies

    Emily's dad passes away. But there was no funeral for him or nobody heard anything about his passing.
  • A strange smell

    Eventually, a strange smell starts to form around town. And then they find out it's coming from Emily's house but they are not sure why.
  • Homer is here

    When the sidewalks need to be done, Homer comes from the south to do the job. And him and Miss. Emily are the talk around town
  • Homer Leaves town

    Homer is seen entering Miss. Emily's house. And he's not seen again.
  • Emily buys poison

    Emily buys poison
    Emily goes to the drug store and buys poison. The worker questions her about it but she won't say anything about it.
  • Spreading Lime

    Spreading Lime
    They can't seem to find out why the smell is coming from Emily's house. So they spread lime around her house to try and get the smell to go away.
  • China Lessons

    China Lessons
    Miss. Emily starts to give china painting lessons to people. But people don't really see her much.
  • Emily disappears

    At this point, Emily "disappears" the town said. Nobody ever sees her at all anymore and the town is taking about it.
  • Emily dies

    Miss. Emily eventually passes. And that's the talk going around town right now.
  • Head print and Hair

    Head print and Hair
    When going through Miss. Emily's house, they found a head print on the downstairs bed pillow. Also a gray strand of hair. People are curious as to why that is.