Tobacco growing fields

Rosalina and Brandon!!!!

  • Rosalina and Bradon!!!

    Rosalina and Bradon!!!
    Tobbaco was planted for the seasons to make money.the tobco season is started in january
  • make fields

    they cleared foerst to make more fields for tobbaco!
  • After 2 months.

    After 2 months.
    after 2 months they were large enough to they ckecked on them for worms and picked the worms off leafs.
  • tabbaco was harvsed!

    tabbaco was harvsed!
    Now the seeds tud cut rned into tabbaco so they were harvesed and cut down they had a lot of stalks.
  • stakesd were hung to the tabbaco barn.

    stakesd were hung to the tabbaco barn.
    the stakes were hang to the tabbaco farm to dry for six-ten weeks!
  • the steaks were dry!

    the steaks were dry!
    They were taken down from the tabbaco farm on rainy days so the leaves would not crumble!
  • Once they wre dry the tabbaco was bundled!

    Once they wre dry the tabbaco was bundled!
    They were bundled into hand bunchs of 10-20 leaves wrapped together.
  • they wre put in a thing!

    they were heild into barels callled hogshead that hold 200-500 pounds!