Roots of American Government

  • 600 BCE

    Natural Law

    Natural Law
    The government created a law which was a belief that moral principles can be applied to any culture or system of justice - The government used it to explain why the 13 colonies needed to rebel against the British
  • Period: 600 BCE to 600

    Classical Period

  • Period: 600 to

    English Roots

  • Rule of Law

    Rule of Law
    Everyone had to obey it including the leaders.- This helped keep everything fair for everyone and justice was dealt equally.
  • Period: to


  • Compacts

    An agreement for governing of a new colony, changed the government by giving more independence
  • Petition of Rights

    In 1628 Parliament passed a law called the Petition of Right which emphasized the principle of limited government.- This affirmed that the king’s power was not absolute.
  • Town Meetings

    A form of direct democracy that gave everyone in the community a voice, changed the government to a more voting system
  • Code of Laws

    Guaranteed basic rights, changed government to giving basic liberties and such
  • Hobbes Book: Leviathan

    Hobbes Book: Leviathan
    People used to live in a state of nature. It was imaginary before any government. Everyone was completely free. It affected the government by producing an idea that people are to be free.
  • Locke: Second Treatise on Government

    In a state of nature, people had a natural right. Its affect led to a certain amount of freedom given for government protection.
  • The English Bill of Rights

    The English Bill of Rights, was passed by Parliament in 1689.- It reaffirmed the principle of individual rights.
  • Period: to

    Colonial Period

  • Montesquieu: The Spirit of Laws

    This idea was not one person in power. It led to the creation of three branches of government.
  • Rousseau: The Social Contract

    Rousseau proposed the idea that popular sovereignty is the legitimacy of government. Its effect on the future government was that it gave the citizens the choice to choose a leader rather than God choosing it for them.
  • Thomas Paine: Common Sense

    Common Sense pushed colonies towards independence. The book was influenced by Rousseau. It provided a reason for the colonists to rebel against Britain.
  • Militias

    Colonial patriots fought against British soldiers for their right, changed government not just to use force
  • Liberty Bell

    Liberty Bell
    The former U.S. chief justice Warren Burger rang a replica of the Liberty Bell.- It reminded them that this country was held together by ideas not blood or history.
  • America's Birthday

    Americans celebrated their nation’s 200th birthday.- They gained Independence.
  • Signing of the Constitution

    Americans celebrated the signing of the constitution.- They finally had a set of principles to go off of.