Richard Nixon and Policy of Detente
Richard Nixon was the 37th president of the U.S. from 1969-1974. The policy of Detente is a policy between the U.S and Soviet Union to ease the tension between the two countries. On May 22, 1972, Richard Nixon became the first president to visit Moscow, Russia, signing 7 agreements covering the prevention of accidental military clashes. -
Soviet invasion of Afganistan
Soviets sent 30,000 troops to Afghanistan and toppled the short-lived presidency of People’s leader Hafizullah Amin. The aim of the Soviet operation was to prop up their new but faltering client state, now headed by Banner leader Babrak Karmal, but Karmal was unable to attain significant popular support. -
Solidarity Movement in Poland
It was the first non-Communist Party-controlled trade union in a Warsaw Pact country. In the 1980s, Solidarity was a broad anti-bureaucratic social movement, using the methods of civil resistance to advance the causes of workers' rights and social change. The government attempted to destroy the union during the period of martial law in the early 1980s and several years of political repression, but in the end it was forced to negotiate with the union. -
RR Addresses the National Associstion of Evangelicas
"The Evil Empire Speech" was a speech RR gave referring to Communism as "the focus of evil in the modern world".
The Speech was delivered at a time when Congress was debating a resolution in support of a "Nuclear Freeze" a docterine supported by the Soviet Union that would have prevented the deployment of U.S cruise and Pershing II missles in Europe -
Strategic Defense Initiative
Was proposed by Ronald Reagan to use ground-based and space-based systems to protect the United States from attack by strategic nuclear ballistic missiles. The ambitious initiative was widely criticized as being unrealistic, even unscientific, as well as for threatening to destabilize MAD and re-ignite "an offensive arms race" -
Gorbackev, Perestroika, Glasnost
Gorbachev came into power in 1985. Perestroika- a political movement for reformation within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during the 1980s (1986), widely associated with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and his glasnost (meaning "openness") policy reform. Glasnost- a policy that called for increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union -
Geneva Summit
The Geneva Summit of 1985 was a Cold War-era meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. It was held on November 19 and 20, 1985, between U.S. president Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. The two leaders met for the first time to hold talks on international diplomatic relations and the arms race. -
Reykjavik Summit, Iceland
A summit meeting between U.S. President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, held in Hofoi in Reykjavík, the capital city of Iceland, on October 11–12, 1986. They negotiated a lot of things with one another such as banning missles and human rights. The meeting ended with no agreement. -
RR speech at Brandenberg Gate, West Berlin
"Tear down this wall!" RR wanted Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin wall. By doing so, it symbolized the end of the Commuinsit governement. -
RR and Gorbachev sign INF Treaty
Treaty between the U.S and Soviet Union that eliminated both of their intermiate and shorter range missles. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
On November 9th, 1989, Günter Schabowski a Easter government offical, stated "Permanent relocations can be done through all border checkpoints between the GDR (East Germany) into the FRG (West Germany) or West Berlin." People could not believe that they could actually cross over the wall at first. After the Berlin Wall came down, East and West Germany reunified into a single German state on October 3, 1990. -
Fall of Soviet Union
The Soviet Union fell for mulitple reasons. One reason was because they were facing politcal and economical problems. Another reason is because people and other countries apart of the Soviet Union began to rebel. Lastly, when it was announced on television that Gorbachev was ill and would no longer be able to govern, the whole country began tp uproar and would not accept nothing less but a democracy,