Aid to Afghan Rebels
Reagan aided the Taliban fighting the USSR. He sent $570 million more dollars of military aid to the Afghan guerrillas than Carter sent. The Americans couldn't defeat the Afghan guerrillas. -
Cutting Social Programs
Reagan wanted to cut tax rates which would increase the budget deficit. He proposed cuts to social programs. He gave welfare benefits, the food stamp program, and school lunch programs were cut. Reagan gave medicare payments, student loans, housing subsidies, and reduction of unemployment compensation. He accepted a high deficit. -
Appointing Conservative Judges
Reagan wanted judges who followed the original meaning and wording of the constitution. He nominated Sandra Day O'Connor to be the first woman in the supreme court, William Rehnquist to suceed him, Antonin Scalia as a conservative, and Anthony Kennedy as an associate justice. -
Reaganomics (Supply-side economics) "trickle-down economics"
This was Reagans most serious attempt to change U.S economic Policy. The 4 major policies were to reduce the growth of government spending, reduce tax rates on income, reduce regulation, and reduce inflation by controlling the growth of money supply. -
Nicaragua and Grenada
Reagan was concerned about Soviet influence in Nicaragua. Sandinistas has overthrown an American dictator in Nicaragua. Reagan sent aid to contras who were fighting in the Sandinista military, and he sent troops to Grenada to install anit-communist government. -
ncreased Defense Spending
n response to the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, Reagan wanted to increase military build up. He increased spending by 40% and increased the enlistment of thousands of troops. -
Military Build Up
Bulding up the military was only part of Reagans military strategy.This buildup was the largest peacetime buildup in American History. It costed $1.5 trillion over five years. They believed that is the Soviets tried to match the American buildup, it might force them to reform their system or collapse. Reagan told students that Soviet defense spending would cause the Communist system to collapse. -
Ronald Reagan Doctrine
Reagan believed that United States should support guerilla groups who were fighting to overthrow Communist or pro-Soviet governments. -
He wantred to first eliminate price controls on oil and gasoline.This policy limited the government control of the oil industry, highway safety, cable TV, airline, and drilling and mining. -
Arms control
For military control Reagan decided to place nuclear missiles in Western Europe to counter Soviet missiles. This created a new peace movement. He offered to cancel the deployment of the new missiles if Soviets removed their missiles. He proposed the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) to cut the number of missiles in half. Soviets refused and walked out of arms talks.