Ronald Reagan

  • Reagan proposes his plan to improve the economy

    This plan became known as Reaganomics
  • Reagan authorizes the training of Nicaraguan Contras

    Reagan authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to train an army of 10,000 Nicaraguan Contras,
  • Reagan sends budget proposal

    Reagan sends budget proposal to Congress. The budget calls for spending $695.3 billion with a projected deficit of $45 billion. It includes funding cuts for 200 programs.
  • Taxes decrease by 25%

    Congress passes Reagan's tax bill
  • First women on the supreme court

    Reagan apoints Sandra O'Connor as the first women on the supreme court.
  • Reagan initiates START with the Soviet Union

    Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
  • Economy starts to Recovers

  • Star Wars

    Reagan unveils his proposal for a Strategic Defense Initiative
  • Marxists overthrow Gov. in Grenada

    Reagan is quick to respond with troops.
  • Unemployment rate falls

    The unemployment rate had fallen to about 5.5%