Ronald Reagan BB

  • Period: to

    Birth date and place.

    june 6, 1911. In Tampico, Illinois
  • Education

    He went to high school and he went to eureka college 1928-1932. He played football in college. He served in the military his rank as captain
  • Military

    He was in the army.He joined In April 1937. His rank is captain His first assignment was at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation at Fort Mason, California, as liaison officer of the Port and Transportation Office.
  • Divorces

    He divorced Jane Wyman in 1948
  • Marriages

    He married Jane Wyman in 1940-1948. Then remarried Nancy Davis in 1952-
  • Movies he was in

    Movies he was in
    Ronald reagan was a big time movie start he had over 50 movies. Here is Law in order, Tropic zone, and Prison of war.
  • Birth of hid kids

    Birth of hid kids
    Maureen Elizabeth 1941-2001,Christina 1947-1947,Patti Davis 1952-, Ronald Reagan 1958, Michael Reagan 1945- He was adopted
  • Political Party

    Political Party
    He was Republican he joined 1962
  • Jobs or Careers

    Jobs or Careers
    Reagan was California governor. He also was a big time actor.
  • Date elected to office

    Date elected to office
  • Reagan inaugurated

    Reagan inaugurated
    Reagan is inaugurated for a second term as President of the United States.
  • Events

    Spending speech Reagan proposes increased defense spending, and decreased taxes and domestic spending in speech to Congress.
  • News worthy events

    News worthy events
    Someone tried to assassinate Reagan. His name was John Hinckley Jr. the bolt hit him in his left under arm.
  • Reagan Recovery from geting shot

    Reagan Recovery from geting shot
    He stade at the hospital for 1 day. Reagan leaves the hospital after recovering from a gunshot wound
  • programs he made

    programs he made
    soviet grain embargo lifted.
  • Reagan dismisses strikers

    Reagan dismisses strikers
    Reagan orders the dismissal of 13,000 PATCO air traffic controllers out on strike, citing their violation of a federal law against industry strikes.
  • Events and laws

    Events and laws
    Sanctions on Poland. Impose economics sanctions on Poland.
  • events

    Gas taxes increase. Gas taxes are cut down. It affected the united states.
  • important events when in office

    important events when in office
    recession ends. Then in quarter one the USA GNP show growth.
  • Exchange with China

    Exchange with China
    Reagan signs scientific and cultural exchange accords with the Beijing leadership while on six-day visit to China.
  • Reagan reelected

    Reagan reelected
    Reagan is reelected President, defeating Democratic candidate Walter Mondale.
  • Bush acting president

    Bush acting president
    Reagan has a malignant polyp removed from his colon; Vice President Bush serves as acting President for eight hours.
  • Tax code revised

    Tax code revised
    Reagan signs a revision of the tax code into law.
  • Funds from illegal arms deal diverted

    Funds from illegal arms deal diverted
    Reagan admits that between $10 and $30 million had been diverted from Iranian arms sales and funneled to the Nicaraguan contras. This becomes known as the Iran Contra affair.
  • Commission appointed to investigate Iran-Contra

    Commission appointed to investigate Iran-Contra
    The Tower Commission is appointed to investigate the Iran-Contra affair. Reagan forgoes any claim of executive privilege and orders his administration to cooperate fully with the investigation. Lawrence Walsh is appointed special prosecutor to investigate criminal wrongdoing.
  • U.S. illegally sells arms to Iran

    U.S. illegally sells arms to Iran
    Reagan informs Congress that the United States secretly sold arms to Iran in violation of federal laws prohibiting arms deals with Iran. The administration denies that the sales were part of an attempt to secure the release of American hostages held by Iranian-backed forces.
  • Republicans nominate Bush, Quayle

    Republicans nominate Bush, Quayle
    The Republican Party nominates George H.W. Bush and Dan Quayle for President and vice president.
  • Date they left office

    Date they left office
    He left ofice in January 1 1989
  • Were they retired to

    Were they retired to
    He retired to home in the wealthy Los Angeles enclave of Bel Air
  • Death

    He died of pneumonia. Buried Library Grounds, Simis Valley, California. He died on 6/5/2004.