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Ronald Reagan

  • Nicaragua

    Ronald Raegan was concerned about day Soviet Union influence in Nicaragua. Rebels called Sandinistas overthrew the pro-United States dictator in 1979. The Sandinistas set up a socialist government and accepted Cuban and Soviet aid. They also supported antigovernment rebels in El Salvador. The Reagan Administration begin arming anti-Sandinista forces known as the contras.
  • Reagonomics

    Reagonmics is the economic policies of Pres Ronald Reagan. The four parts of Reagonmics are to reduce the growth of government spending, to reduce federal tax income and capital gains tax, to reduce government regulation, and to taking the money supply in order to reduce to inflation.
  • Deregulation

    Reagan believed government regulation where the cause of the economy's problems. He signed an executive order eliminating price controls on oil and gasoline. It worked, prices fell. Other regulations fell as well JamesWatt increased the amount of public land mining and oil companies could use.
  • Shifting the Judicial Balance

    The United States sent troops to Afghanistan after an invasion by the Soviet Union, who intended to support the Soviet backed government. The Soviet Union faced rebels called the mujahadeen. The United States sent $570 million to the rebels & in 1988 the Soviets agreed to withdraw from Afghanistan.
  • Cutting Programs

    Cutting tax rates meant the government had less money to spend there for the budget deficit went up. To keep the deficit under control Reagan cut social programs such as welfare benefits, including food stamps in school lunch, Medicare, student loans, housing subsides, and unemployment compensation.

    Strategic arms reduction talks were created by Ronald Raegan. He wanted a halt of deployment of new nuclear missiles. Ronald Raegan offered to cancel deployment of new missals if the Soviet Union removed the missiles from Europe. He also proposed that the Soviet Union and the United States cut the number of nuclear missiles they had in half. The Soviets refused and walked out of the arms control talks.
  • Grenada

    In 1983 radical Marxist overthrew government on the island if Grenada. In October Reagan sent American troops and quickly defeated Marxists. America installed an anti-communist government.
  • Economy Booms

    Reagan believed government regulation where the cause of the economy's problems. He signed an executive order eliminating price controls on oil and gasoline. It worked, prices fell. Other regulations fell as well JamesWatt increased the amount of public land mining and oil companies could use.
  • Philippines

    The United States played a significant role in pressuring dictator Ferdinand Marcos to step down and in the peaceful transition to democracy in the Philippines, notwithstanding decades of past American support for his regime.
  • Aid the Afghan Rebels