753 BCE
The roman empire begins
in 753 bc rome was founded -
509 BCE
Rome becomes a republic
In 509 bc rome becomes a republic -
264 BCE
The first punic war
the first punic war begins in 264 bc -
218 BCE
Hannibal invades italy
Hannibal decides to invade italy in 218 bc -
218 BCE
The second punic war
the second punic war begins in 218 bc -
149 BCE
the 3rd punic war
the 3rd punic war begins in 149 bc -
100 BCE
Julius caesar is born
julius caesar is born in april 100 bc -
45 BCE
The battle of munda
the battle of munda begins in 45 bc -
44 BCE
Julius caesar dies
the death of julius caesar comes in 44 bc -
27 BCE
the roman republic ends
the roman republic falls in 27 bc