Rome Timeline

  • 753 BCE

    Rome Founded by Romulus and Remus

    Legend states hat Romulus and Remus went to found a city, but could not agree where to build it. They each suggested different hills, and Romulus eventually killed Remus.
  • 753 BCE

    Beginning of Roman City-State

  • 673 BCE

    Reign of Tullus Hostilus begins

    Tullus Hostilus was a King of Rome who was very irreligious. As he fell ill, he became superstitious and begged to the gods for forgiveness. Legend states that after he did this, Jupiter struck him with lightning and reduced him to ashes.
  • 650 BCE

    Rome Defeats Alba Longba

    Alba Longba was a city that Rome fought a war with, and eventually captured. Upon capturing it, the Romans demolished every building and moved all the Albans to Rome
  • 575 BCE

    Reign of Servius Tullius begins

    Servius Tullius was a Roman king who, as he aged, produced more and more policies that aided the poor. His daughter and his son-in-law murdered him because of this.
  • 509 BCE

    Rome Becomes a Republic

  • 458 BCE

    Cincinatus Becomes Dictator

    Cinncinnatus was chosen to become dictator by one of the consuls. He served his allotted time as dictator and then retired, becoming a model of nobility and humility.
  • 450 BCE

    Posting of 12 Tables

    The Twelve Tables were the foundation of Roman Republic Law, similar to our constitution.
  • 264 BCE

    Beginning of 1st Punic War

    In this year, the first of 3 wars between Rome and neighboring Carthage began. These wars would drag on for more than a century before Rome defeated and sacked Carthage.
  • 202 BCE

    Scipio Africanus defeats Hannibal

    Scipio Africanus was a Roman General and wartime strategist. He defeated Hannibal, a general from Carthage, thus ending the Second Punic War. He is now regarded as one of the best strategists of all time.
  • 27 BCE

    Rome Becomes an Empire

    In this year, Augustus Caeser was crowned the first Roman Emperor, beginning the Roman Empire period.
  • 27 BCE

    Augustus Becomes Emperor

    Augustus became the first emperor of Rome, putting the final nail in the coffin of the Roman Republic. Augustus was a given title that meant divine.
  • 30

    Crucifixion of Jesus

    Jesus was seen as an insurectionist, and was executed by the Roman government. His death set in motion the movement now known as Christianity, although Christians would continue to be persecuted by the Roman government for several hundred years.
  • 37

    Caligula becomes Emperor

    Caligula was a very disturbed emperor. He murdered many senators, made himself a god, and even tried to appoint his horse to the Roman Senate. Unsurprisingly, his bodyguards assassinated him in 41 AD.
  • 212

    Granting of Citizenship to all Freeborns

    In 212, the emperor Caracalla made all freeborns of Rome citizens. This act has been repeated many times throughout history, and forms the basis of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution.
  • 293

    Beginning of Decline

    In 293, Emperor Diocletian instituted the Tetrarchy (4 rulers), which led to the splitting of Rome into East and West.
  • 306

    Constantine Becomes Emperor

    Constantine was the first Christian Emperor, and under his reign Christianity became the preferred religion of the Roman Empire, This led to Christianity becoming widespread, which is why there are now over 1 billion Christians worldwide.
  • 313

    Rome officially splits into East and West

    Rome officially split into an Eastern and Western empire, after being ruled for about 20 years as a tetrarchy, established by Diocletian. From this point on, the Western Roman Empire declined, falling in 476, and the Eastern Roman Empire prospered for the next 1000 years, and is now known as the Byzantine Empire.
  • 410

    Sacking of Rome

    In 410, Rome was sacked by the Visigoths. Rome never truly recovered from the sacking, and after being sacked once more in 455, fell in 476
  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    On this date, Odoacer the German king invaded the city of Rome and deposed the emperor, bringing an end to the 1100-year old nation.
  • 476

    Reign of Romulus Augustus ends

    Romulus Augustus was the final Roman Emperor. On September 4, 476, he was deposed by Odoacer, ending the Western Roman Empire