Period: 27 BCE to 14
The first emperor of Rome and he was the founder of Rome Principate. He brought peace in the Rome Empire with his knowledge in ruling an empire. He came from a high-class family -
Period: 14 to 37
He became an emperor after Augustus died, which means he was the second emperor. Augustus adopted him. He learned all the important things about being an emperor from his dad and school. Then, he started learning about war. He continued his dad’s legacy with successful achievements. -
Period: 41 to 54
He conquered Britain and North Africa. He gained more people and areas and he also wrote a pamphlet defending. He protected Jews without provoking Egyptians. -
Period: 54 to 68
He was adopted by his great-uncle who was Claudius. People hated him because of his actions to Romans. He used his power for his own benefits without worrying about his people. -
Period: 69 to 79
He was the founder of the Flavian dynasty after the civil war. He started building the Coliseum with his own idea. He was a good emperor because of his successful achievements in Rome Empire. -
Period: 79 to 81
He continued building the Coliseum after his dad started it. He also completed the construction of Coliseum and he made ceremonies for a hundred days. -
Period: 96 to 98
He was one of the good emperors in Rome Empire. He had a skillful regime with a good government. -
Period: 98 to 117
He attempted to extend Rome Empire to the east. His aim was trying to undertake a vast building program, and develop social welfare. People believe that Trajan was a good emperor and a conqueror during Rome Empire. -
Period: 117 to 138
He was one of the five good emperors in Rome Empire. He built Hadrian's wall to protect Rome province. The wall separated Britannia and Italy. He wrote poems during Rome Empire and only four of them survived until now. -
Period: 138 to 161
Antoninus Pius
Antoninus Pius was the fourth of the five good emperors. He guided Rome Empire with peace. He was adopted by Hadrian and had been taught by him. Antonine Wall was built to protect Rome frontier some a hundred miles from Hadrian’s Wall. -
Period: 161 to 180
Marcus Aurelius
He was the last of the five good emperors. With his power of being an emperor of Rome Empire, he was a good fighter. He ruled Rome Empire in successful ways. He became an example for people because of his ruling skills. Romans loved him because of his good deeds. -
Period: 180 to 192
A son of Marcus Aurelius. During his reign, he lived in stylish ways because of his rank in Rome Empire. Commodus killed his dad because he wanted to get the highest position in Rome Empire. After his dad died, he had to rule the Empire by himself with the help of senators and other government officials. He gave Rome a new name, Colonia Commodiana. -
Period: 284 to 305
He restored efficient government to the empire. He became the last emperor who restored peace to the Romans and also the government. He was interested in the preservation of the ancient virtues. He also reorganized the rules for armies. -
Period: 306 to 337
He was the first emperor to claim Christianity. He was in the Edict Of Milan. He made a commitment to Christianity in Rome Empire.