
By 002ggb
  • 753 BCE


    Romulus was the first king of Rome, and founded the city on the Palatine Hill.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 509 BCE

    Monarchical Rome

  • 509 BCE

    Rome overthrows the Etruscans

    Rome overthrows the Etruscans
    The Etruscan government was a monarchy. The Roman citizens thought that the kings were cruel so they overthrew them
  • Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE

    Republic Rome

  • 449 BCE

    The Laws of the Twelve Tables

    The Laws of the Twelve Tables
    The Laws of the Twelve tables were the one of the earliest laws. They were created to establish equal laws for the upper class and middle class Romans.
  • 218 BCE

    Hannibal invades Italy

    Hannibal invades Italy
    He was a Carthaginian military commander. Hannibal won against roman forces near the Ticinus River, in Northern Rome.
  • 98 BCE

    Non-Romans are removed

    Non-Romans are removed
    Rome removed all of its non-Romans citizens. Only slaves were allowed to stay.
  • 50 BCE


    Aureus was the first gold coin of Rome. It was used for most of Rome's trade in the 1st and 2nd century.
  • 45 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar became Rome's first dictator in 45 BCE. He was considered a great military leader because of the bridge he built to cross the Rhine River to invade Britain. This helped him become the dictator.
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caeser was murdered

    Julius Caeser was murdered
    Julius Caesar was murdered by 40 senators because they felt like he was taking power away from them.
  • 32 BCE

    The Final War of the Roman Republic

    The Final War of the Roman Republic
    It was the last civil war in the Roman republic and lasted two years. The Roman Senate declares war on Cleopatra and Antony because they were believed to have betrayed the Roman Empire. Cleopatra and Antony lost.
  • 27 BCE

    Roman Empire Began

    Roman Empire Began
    Gaius Thurinus became the first emperor of the Rome. He was Julius Caesar's nephew and changed his name to Augustus Caesar.
  • 27 BCE

    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    Pax Romana (Roman Peace) lasted from 27 BCE-180 AD. It was a period of peace and barely any expansion, and it occurred after the final war of the roman republic.
  • Period: 27 BCE to Jan 1, 1453

    Emperial Rome

  • 41

    Claudius and his Stepson

    Claudius came into power in 41 AD his wife killed him so that her son could become emperor. Her son, Nero, tried to burn the Roman Empire. Nero was killed.
  • 49


    Rome controlled Europe and northern Africa.
  • 80

    Roman Collesium

    Roman Collesium
    It was built in 80 AD and held fights and reenactments of battles.
  • 235

    Imperial Crisis

    Imperial Crisis
    The Roman Empire almost collapsed during 235-284 AD. This was because of invasion, disease, and economic issues.
  • 268

    The split

    The split
    The Roman Empire became the Gallic Empire. The Gallic Empire was split into three states Gaul, Britannia, and Hispania.