Rome Beginning

  • Founding of Rome part 1

    The “Founding of Rome” explains the legend of Romulus and Remus, and how Rome came to be. There was a Latin princess who wasn’t allowed to have kids had two boys. The two boys were born of her and Mars who were called Remus and Romulus. Remus and Romulus were taken from her and left to die in a basket into Tiber River. A she-wolf found it and fed them. One day a shepherd killed the she-wolf and he took them to his home.
  • Founding of Rome part 2

    There was a conflict between Remus and Romulus because both of them wanted to become the ruler of the city. Romulus killed Remus and named the city Rome. Through this legend, I can infer that the symbol of Rome is the she-wolf feeding the two boys who are Romulus and Remus when they were babies without parents; the statue of the symbol is on Capitol Hill where was the first Etruscan temple in ancient time; the name of Rome comes from the name of the ruler “Romulus”.
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  • Etruscan Daily Life part 1

    The “Etruscans daily life” informs the language, weapon, hobby and social order of the Etruscans. Around 800 B.C a group of people called Etruscans settled in Etruria. They spoke different language from any other in the ancient world. They were Italy’s first highly civilized people and were known as “the people of the sea”. They had a “weapon” that no one else had which gave them better footing than their enemies on rough ground and they were the shoes.
  • Etruscan Daily Life part 2

    Their farmers used iron tools to grow the crops. The Etruscans enjoyed bright colors, music and dancing. Much of their dancing was connected to religion. Both Etruscans men and women danced because dancing was just one of the freedoms enjoyed by Etruscans women. The Etruscans had a strong sense of social order. There were three social orders, which were upper, middle and lower class. The upper class consisted of wealthy landowners, nobles, and priests.
  • Etruscan Daily Life part 3

    The middle class had farmers, traders, and city workers. The lower class was enslaved people. Through this section, I can infer that the Etruscans were from Asia maybe, because no one knew them and they spoke different language from others; they were peaceful because the men and women were equal.
  • Etrsucan Religious Beliefs part 1

    The “Etruscans religious beliefs” describes the gods and the temples the Etruscans had. The Etruscans had many gods and most of them were modeled after the Greeks. They believed the universe was divided into provinces. To the right lay the West; the rulers were the gods of death and of the underworld. To the left lay thee East, which was ruled by the gods of the heavens and they built their temples to face east. The Etruscan also believed the humans was powerless before the gods.
  • Etrsucan Religious Beliefs part 2

    The soothsayers read certain omens to tell the will of the gods by studying the direction and sounds of thunder and lightning and the flights of birds. Through this section, I can infer that the Etruscan was respect to their gods because they built the temples; they were also a bit scared of the god of the heaven because they built their temples facing east.
  • Etruscan Tombs of Gold part 2

    Through this section, I can infer that the Romans buried the dead in tombs beneath the ground because the Etruscan also did that; the Etruscan liked the life after death because they thought it was more important than life on Earth.
  • Etruscan Tombs of Gold part 1

    The “Etruscans tombs of gold” teaches what Etruscans did to the dead bodies. The Etruscans usually buried the dead in tombs beneath the ground and they believed that life after death lasted longer and was more important than life on Earth. So, they carved their tombs out of natural rock.
  • Etruscans and Romans part 1 Etruscan part 1

    “ The Etruscans and Romans part one Etruscans” tells what Etruscans taught Romans. The Etruscans were more culturally advanced than the Latins and they made contributions to Roman civilization. They taught the Latins how to use the arch in building bridges and laid the foundations of Rome’s first sewer system. They drained the swamp at the foot of the Palatine that now is Rome’s Forum.
  • Etruscans and Romans part 1 Etruscan part 2

    The Etruscans borrowed the Greek alphabet and made some changes in it. Through this section, I can infer that the Etruscans alphabets were basic on the Greek alphabets because they changed the Greeks alphabet and used it as theirs; the Etruscans were smarter than the Latins because they were more culturally advanced than the Latins.
  • Etruscans and Romans part 2 Roman part 1

    “ The Etruscans and Romans part two Romans” defines what Romans learned from the Etrucans. Etruscans borrowed the Greek alphabet and made some changes in it. The Romans, in turn, borrowed the Etruscans alphabet. The Romans also borrowed some Etruscan customs, such as: the fights of enslaved people held at Etruscan funerals and the triumph. They also used the symbol of authority and introduced the Romans to certain religious beliefs.
  • Etruscans and Romans part 2 Roman part 2

    Through this section, I can infer that Roman civilization is a bit similar to the Etruscan civilization because the Etruscans taught the Romans many things, such as: alphabet, customs and religious beliefs; some Romans might be Etruscans because the Etruscans used to live with the Romans.