The First Triumvirate (60-50 bc)
Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompey, Licinius Crassus helped bring end to Republic. -
The Second Triumvirate ( 43-33 bc )
Caesar’s murder did not save the Republic. -
The Second Triumvirate (43-33 bc)
43 BC, Secon Triumvirate took power – Caesars adopted son, Octavian; loyal officer -
The Second Trimvirate (43-33 bc)
Lepidus pushed aside; Antony, Octavian agreed to govern half the empire each, Octavian in west, Antony in East. -
New Political Order
Octavian decided it impossible to return Rome to republican form of government. Created new political order, known today as the empire. -
New Title
In 27 BC, Senate gave Octavian title Augustus, “the revered one”.
Title a religious honor; able to wear laurel and oak leaf crown. -
Julio-Claudians and Flavians
Augustus died AD 14, empire ruled by Caesar’s relatives for 54 years. Julio-Claudian Emperors’ abilities varied widely. -
Following Nero’s death, Civil wars raged in Rome. Four military leaders claimed throne in turn. -
The Good Emperors
AD 96, new line of emperors establishes – Good Emperors. -
The Good Emperors
Five Rulers governed Rome for almost a century. -
The Good Emperors
From provinces different than Rome, continued opening Roman imperial society.