• 753 BCE

    Sabine King

    Sabine King
    The factions of Romulus and Tatius , a Sabine Senate were not getting along until they came to an agreement that the Sabine Numa will be king.
  • 753 BCE

    Romulus Kills Remus

    Romulus Kills Remus
    Romulus killed his twin brother over where to locate the new city and who will rule it. Rome was name after Romulus.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 509 BCE

    Rome as a Monarchy

  • 616 BCE


    Lucius Tarquinius Priscus built a chariot race stadium, but wasn't finish during his reign.
  • 616 BCE

    Lucius Tarquinius Priscus

    Lucius Tarquinius Priscus
    Priscus was the first Etruscan King
  • 509 BCE

    Overthrowing the KING

    Overthrowing the KING
    Tarquinius Superbus ruled Rome as a tyrant then Patricians overthrew him. The Patricians the created a Representative government. Tarquinius Superbus was the last monarch ruler of early Rome.
  • Period: 509 BCE to 27

    Roman Repoblic

  • 451 BCE


    The first laws were created and called the Twelve Table by 10 Council
  • 312 BCE


    Rome created the firsts roads that is still being used today called the Via Appia.
  • 287 BCE


    Plebeians were a group of farmers, trades people, craftsman, and common soldiers who wanted a say in government. Plebeians got their right to become citizens.
  • 275 BCE

    Itali's Penninsula

    Itali's Penninsula
    Rome motivated other central city states to go against Etruscans. The Rome then free themselves of Etruscan rule and Conquer them. Rome then controlled all of the Italian Penninsula.
  • 275 BCE

    Greek Colonies

    Greek Colonies
    The Roman defeated a Greek Army that trespassed into Italy trying to protect Greek colonies there.
  • 264 BCE


    Three series of wars between Rome and Carthage over who the Mediterranean trade. Rome defeated Carthage and destroyed the city in 146 BCE. Rome then rebuilt the city and had colony there.
  • 215 BCE

    Macedonia Wars

    Macedonia Wars
    Rome defeated Macedonia in a series of four wars. Then conquer the empire Alexander The Great and parts of Gaul.
  • 73 BCE


    Spartacus was a slave that lead a large amount of slave rebellion. Thousand of slaves were killed by Roman Soldiers and 6000 others were captured and executed by crucifixion.
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar declared dictator for life at age 55 then was assassinated by Rome senate
  • 31 BCE


    At the battle of Actium, Octavian defeated Antony and proclaimed himself sole ruler of Rome ending Roman Republic
  • 27 BCE

    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana was two decades of peace in Rome and a lot of success in economic. Rome expanded and the population to 70 million people. ending in 180 C.E
  • 1 CE

    Running water

    Waterproof concrete was made volcanic sand made Rome able to make better architecture that were also stronger. Rome was able to create the Aqueducts that bring fresh water to 1 million people
  • Period: 27 to 476

    Roman Empire

  • 64


    Most of Rome is burned down rumor says the Emperor Nero purposely burn Rome to build his own palace. Nero then blame Christians for the fire.
  • 68

    Nero's death

    After building his pleasure palace on public and property and with public money. The citizens were angered with how he was behaving that he was hunted down by his own guards. Nero killed himself.
  • 80

    The Colleseum

    The Colosseum was built in 8 years for entertainment for everyone . They had gladiator fights, wilds animals against man, and executing slaves. Surprisingly they also had naval battles.
  • 107

    Conquering Dacia

    Trajan wanted to get more money to build more architecture so he set to conquer Dacia earning him gold and silver.
  • 122

    Hadrian's Wall

    Hadrian built a wall across Britannia to protect the border .from invaders and keep people in. With forts that could home thousands soldiers.
  • 126

    The Pantheon Dome

    Hadrian designed a temple to worship all of the gods.
    The dome was made completely out of concrete without any support.
  • 212

    Carapalla's Bathe

    Caracalla wanted to be remembered in history so he created bathes for everyone which you didn't have to pay for .
  • 313


    Roman Empire Constantine declared Christianity to be legal in the Edict of Milan, making Constantine the first Christian emperor.
  • 537

    Rome Empire decline

    A tribe destroyed the aqueducts that supported millions people caused death among almost all of Roman people.