
  • 753 BCE


    Historians think that Rome was formed because many farms comunities joined together to form it. But the legend says that Rome was a place found by a guy called Romulus and with his twin brother Remo created it.
  • 753 BCE

    Romulus killed Remo

    Romulus killed Remo
    Romulus killed her twin Remo because he crossed the "pomerium" that was a sacred border of Rome.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 509 BCE


    Monarchy is a type of sociaty organitzation where all decision are decided by a king that is not elected by citizens.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 717 BCE


    Was the first King of Rome.
  • Period: 717 BCE to 674 BCE

    Numa Pompilio

    He was the second king of Rome.
    Numa changed the Roman calendar, adjusting it for the solar and lunar year, he also put the months of January and February until December.
    Numa was the most religious of all kings.
  • Period: 673 BCE to 642 BCE

    Tulio Hostilio

    He was the third King of Rome.
    Tulio Hostilio was very similar to Romulus in his warrior character
    but opposed to Numa because he didn't care about the gods.
  • Period: 641 BCE to 617 BCE

    Anco Marcio

    He was the fourth King of Rome.
    After the mysterious death of Tulio, the Romans elected Sabine Anco Marcio, a peaceful and religious man.
    He was the grandson of Numa Pompilio, like her grand parent he made larger the extension of Rome
  • Period: 616 BCE to 578 BCE

    Tarquin Prisco

    Tarquin was the fifth king of Rome.
    He won some wars and he made the Rome´s extension double.
    His most popular project of construction was the "Circus maximus"
  • Period: 578 BCE to 534 BCE

    Servio Tulio

    He was the sixth King of Rome
    Servio won some wars against the Etruscans.
    He became famous for developing a new constitution for the Romans
    He instituted the first census in history
  • Period: 534 BCE to 509 BCE

    Tarquin the Proud

    He was the seventh and last king of Rome.
    Tarquin used the violence, murder and terror to maintain the control of Rome, also he destruyed all the shrines of the "Roca Tarpeya"
    The people of Rome remove him as a king and began the Rome Republic (SPQR)
  • Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE


    Republic is a type of societaty organitzation where the citizens can decided the senators and also there is a constitution with laws.
  • 476 BCE

    The End of the Roman Empire

    The End of the Roman Empire
    The lastest Roman Emperor Romulus Augustus is defeated by the German Goth Odoacer.
  • 218 BCE

    Hannibal Attack

    Hannibal Attack
    Hannibal conquered Italy -temporaly- in the Second Punic war.
    • More information in the Second Punic War event
  • Period: 218 BCE to 201 BCE

    Second Punic War

    This war began because Cartago wanted to revenge on Rome of the First Punic War.
    All began went Hannibal attacked Sagunto and the Rome's senate decided to declare the war to Cartago. Then Hannibel with her army decided to attack Italy (Rome Empire).
    Hannibal crossed all the Alps to attack Rome, the Rome's empire thought that they will win but not, Cartago won this first coping... and Hannibal wanted to destroy Rome's Empires but the Rome's sanate decided to continue the war and finally Rome won
  • 73 BCE


    Spartacus was a slave.
    In the year 73 a. C., during his stay in the gladiator school, Spartacus did a rebellion to escape from this school with 200 slaves more. With this action Spartacus expanded his powerful and leadership
  • 45 BCE

    Julius Ceaser

    Julius Ceaser
    Julio Caeser was a great general and writter, he was the first dictator of Rome.
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caeser´s death

    Julius Caeser´s death
    Julius Caesar died murdered on March 15, 44 a. C. by Cassius and Brutus (Roman senators).
  • 27 BCE

    Caeser August

    Caeser August
    Augustus was the first Roman emperor. He governed between 27 a. C. and 14 d. C.
  • Period: 27 BCE to 476

    Imperial period

    The Roman empire was one of the largest of the history. The biggest one was the British Empire
  • 80


    It is an amphitheater from the time of the Roman Empire, built in the 1st century,
    Its original name is Flavian Amphitheater to refers the Flavian´s dynasty, the emperors that built it.
    It was used to do several shows as Gladiator fights.
  • 380

    Christianity in Rome

    Christianity in Rome
    On February 27, 380, Christianity became the exclusive religion of the Roman Empire by a decree of the Emperor Theodosius
  • 395

    Rome Empires

    Rome Empires
    After the death of Theodosius I, the Roman Empire was divided into the Eastern Empire with capital Byzantium with Arcadius as emperor, and the Western Empire with Rome as center and Honorius as emperor Alaric I
  • 410

    The first war that Rome lose

    The first war that Rome lose
    This is the first time in 800 years that the city of Rome lose a war. It happened in the "looting of Rome war". The Visigoths won this war and then the Western Roman Empire fall.