
  • 753 BCE

    founding of rome

    founding of rome
    according to legend, the two brothers on 21 april 753 BCE.
  • Period: 264 BCE to 146 BCE

    punic wars

    when appease Clodus crossed over into Sicily in 264 the first punic war began.
  • Period: 133 BCE to 27 BCE

    Fall of roman republic.

    the barbarian attacks on Rome partially stemmed from a mass migration caused by the Hun's invasion of Europe in the late fourth century.
  • Period: 59 BCE to 17 BCE

    roman republic

    The Great Mediterranean became a Roman lake.These lands would remain under control of Rome.
  • 27 BCE


    the Roman Empire began when Agustus Caesar became the first empire of Rome.
  • Period: 53 to 117

    important Roman Emperors

    Trajan was born septmber 18th 53 A. and died august 9th 117 AD.
  • Period: 66 to 73

    roman revolt

    the revolt of the gladiator Spartacus in 73-71 BCE remains the most successful slave revolt in the history of rome.
  • 476

    Fall of Rome.

    Fall of Rome.
    decline in morals, political corruption and the praetorian guard.