
  • roman set up republic

    509 BC is the time then rome set up the republic and started bcoming a civilized city. it is also the time were civilians started to have a say in thier community.
  • Appointment of the first-ever dictator, T. Larcius

    T. Larcius become the first dictator of the roman empire.
  • telve tablets writtten

    the 12 tablets are the tablets the state the laws of the romans
  • Law passed by a tribune named Canuleius,

    445 BC
    Law passed by a tribune named Canuleius, the lex Canuleia, replacing the consuls with military tribunes with consular powers
  • punic wars

    264 BC
    a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage by the Roman Republic
    260 BC Rome builds its first major fleet
    202 BC Battle of Zama, Scipio defeats Hannibal
  • julius ceasars revalation

    49 BC
    Caesar's army crosses the Rubicon and Civil War begins between Caesar and the Republican forces of Pompey
    Julius Caesar is victorious, becomes dictator of the Roman Republic and then conquers Gaul
  • ceacars dictates

    46 BC
    ceacar strts to rule the roman empire.
  • the death of julius ceacar

    44 BC
    Julius Caesar is assassinated; Marcus Antony controls Rome
  • octavian

    42 BC
    Octavian takes control of Italy
  • Augustace becomes jukius ( emperor)

    27 BC
    Octavian, became, as Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of Rome and the Roman Republic comes to an end - The Fascinating History of Rome