Era of Good Feelings ends
Period: to
Trail of Tears
First public library is established
Ralph Emerson starts Transcendental club
Victorian Era Begins
The telegraph is publicly demonstrated
Period: to
Manifest Destiny
First real telegraph is sent. "What God hath wrought!"
Potato famine in Ireland causes massive immigration
Thoreau protest Mexican-American war. He is arrested.
Oregon territory is split between U.K. and US
Period: to
Mexican-American War
Gold Rush starts
Mexican Cession
Civil Disobedience is published
The Scarlet Letter is published
Moby Dick is published
Uncle Tom's Cabin is published
The Republican Party is founded
Gasden Purchase
Walden is published
Leaves of Grass is published
Panic of 1857. Economic Recession
Dred Scott decision
Darwin's theories are first discussed
Lincoln Elected
Emancipation Proclomation