Romantic and Classic Ballet 1800 CE to 1900 CE

  • Jean Georges Noverre

    Noverre was amajor advocate for the ballet d'action, and he believed ballet should have cohesion and unity. He was the teacher of Marie Antoinette. Died in 1810.
  • La Dansomanie

    Comedie ballet Choreograohed by Pierre Gardel.
  • Period: to

    1800-1900 Ballet

  • Achille a Scyros

    A mythological ballet created by Pierre Gardel.
  • Shakespear, Lord Byron, SIr Walter Scott, and Dominique Ingres

    Writers, painters, and sculptors that served as nspirations for heroic ballets.
  • En pointe

    It was during the Romantic Era that pointe shoes and pointe dancing was noticed. It was accredited to Marie Taglioni for her main role in "La Sylphide". THe audience was amazed to see the Marie "glide" or "fly: across stage on pointe shoes that are now much more advanced.
  • Period: to

    Heyday of Romantic Ballet 1830-1850

    Romantic Ballet extends from 1830 to 1850, but aspects of it be seen in ballets all the way until 1870.
  • Robert le Diable

    Choreographed by Giacomo Meyerbeer, Robert le Diable is said to be the very first Romantic ballet. It opened at the Paris Opera in 1831. Althoughmany catastrophes occured backstage, theis ballet was powerful and supernatural; just about everything Romantic Ballets are. The ballet includes ghosts rising from their tombs, new gas-jet lights creating flickering moonbeams, and phantoms.
  • Cult of the Ballerina

    The fans of ballet became obesessed with specific ballerinas. To show their persistance, some tracked down dancers and mad them dance for them. Others performed crazy acts such as eating ballerinas' ballet slippers for dinner. Audience members worshiped dancers and presented with them with avish gifts and support.
  • Filippo Taglioni (1877-1871)

    Taglioni choreographed many important works during the Romantic Era. La Sylphide, from 1832 featured his daughter, the famous Marie Taglioni.
  • Marie Taglioni (1804-1884)

    Daughter of Filippo Taglioni, Marie was documented as the first woman to dance an entire ballet en ponite. Her role in "La Sylphide" was well-known. Viewers seeked Marie and her performances. She was an important figureof Romantic ballet.
  • La Sylphide

    Choreographer by Filippo Taglioni choreographed La Sylphide and his daughter, Marie, performed it. Throughout La Sylphide, love between a mortal and a spirit exemplifies the Romanticism Era with its earthy and fantastical personifications. Not only did the story line and choreography create an enhanced look on stage, so did costume. Making women appear more powerful on stage, a tight bodice and bell-shaped skirt to the knees was created to conceal the legs, thus creating the “Romantic tutu."
  • August Bournonville (1805-1879)

    A Danish dance master and choreographer during the Romantic Era. He created most of his choreography for the Royal Danish Ballet, including a remake of Taglioni's "La Sylphide" in 1836.
  • Carlo Blasis (1797-1878)

    Appointed as director of the Royal Ballet Academy of Dance at La Scala Milan.
  • Fanny Essler (1810-1884)

    Fanny Elssler was a Romantic Ballerina and rival to Marie Taglioni, much like the rivalry of Marie Salle and Marie Camargo. Essler was a graceful dancer and was named, "Pagan," versus Marie taglioni who was known as a "Christian" dancer.
  • Giselle

    This ballet often referred to as the quintessential Romantic Ballet. Choreographed by Jean Coralli and Jules Perrot, it starred Carlotta Grisi as Giselle. The premiere was at the Paris Opera.
  • Pas de Quarte

    This ballet divertissement choreographed by Jules Perrot was an ettempt to put four of the most sought after ballerinas on stage. The ballerinas he hoped for were Lucile Grahn, Carlotta Grisi, Fanny Cerrito, and Marie Taglioni. Fanny Elssler was invited to participate but declined because she didn't dare to dance with her rival, Marie Taglioni. This ballet like a competition on stage, and marks the downfall of Romantic ballet.
  • The Daughter of Paraoh

    Choreographed by Marius Petipa.
  • The Sleeping Beauty

    Choreographed by Marius Petipa, music by Tchaikovsky
  • Marius Pepita (1818-1910)

    Marius Pepita was a choreographer who helped dance flourish in St, Petersburg, Russia. His plotlines for ballets were usually structured quite similarly. For example, he liked to stretch his narratives out for three or four acts. Additionally, Pepita’s ballets included mime, classical dance, character dance, demi-caractere dance, lyrical dance, dramatic dance, and divertissements. He choregraphed: The Daughter of Pahraoh, The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, La Bayadere, and Raymonda.
  • The Nutcracker

    Choreographed by Marius Petipa, music by Tchaikovsky
  • The Swan Lake

    Choreographed by Marius Petipa, music by Tchaikovsky