
Roman Civilisation

By pabcre
  • 753 BCE

    Creation of Rome

    Creation of Rome
    According to the legend, Rome was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus,who were born of thr union between Mars,god of war, and the daugther of an Etruscan king
  • Period: 753 BCE to 509 BCE


    Rome was governed by kings of Latin and Etruscan origin.It became the most powerful city in its region ,known as Latium
  • Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE


    Rome expanded around the Mediterranean,from the Iberian Peninsula to the Near East provinces
  • 476 BCE

    The fall of rome

    The fall of rome
    the Heruli overthrew Romulus Augustulus, the last Roman emperor in the west. For many historians,this event marks the end of Antiquuity and the start of the Middle ages.
  • 410 BCE

    Arrival of the Visigoths

    Arrival of the Visigoths
    However, the division did not improve the situation in the westren half of the Empire.The Visigoths were able to cross the limes and ransack Rome
  • Period: 401 BCE to 201 BCE

    Mediterranean Expansion

    Rome defeated all the remaining peoples of the Italian Peninsula.Once they controlled it, the Romans began their conquest of the Western Mediterranean
  • 395 BCE

    Division of the Empire

    Division of the  Empire
    Facing a crisis at all levels,Emprerador Theodosius decide to didvided the Enmpire between his two sons: Honorius recived the Western half,wiht Rome as its capitalArcadius recived the eastern half,wiht Constantinople (now Istanbul) as its caopital.
  • 201 BCE

    The crisis of the 3rd century

    The crisis of the 3rd century
    A large part of roman prosperity was the result of territorial expansionj.Through its conquests,Rome had appropriated the wealth of the annexed territories. The great extent of the Roman limes made it necessary to constantly defend it against the barbarians. Consequences:
    .The amount of slave labour decreased,causing a drop in production
    .Rome had to raise taxes to maintain its revenue,worsening the situation
    .It also had political effects ,leading to assassinations of emperors and civil wars .
  • Period: 201 BCE to 101 BCE

    Mediterranean Expansion

    The punic Wars ended with Carthage,s defeat and the Roman conquest of Sicily,Corsia,North Afruca and most of the Iberian Peninsula
  • Period: 27 BCE to 14 BCE


    Augustus was the first Roman emperor . Rome reached its greatest territorial extrent.The Empire4 began to decline in the 3rd century AD
  • 1 BCE

    Mediterranean expansion

    Mediterranean expansion
    With the subsequent annexation of Syria and Egypt, the Mediterranean became the Roman Mare nostrum
  • 1 BCE

    The crisis of the 1st century BC

    The crisis of the 1st century BC
    The Republic was weakend, leading to the creation of two triumvirates:
    the first triumvirate:Julius Caesar was ultimately victorious,being named dictator in perpetuty however, he was assassinated in 44 BC
    the second triumvirate: Caesar Augustus.The victor Octavian, who proclamied himself emperor.This brought the Republic to an end and began the imperial Period.