
By marcue
  • Period: 715 BCE to 509 BCE

    The Monarchy

    8TH-6TH BC
    Rome was governed by kings of latin and etruscan origin. It became the most powerful city in its region, known as latium.
  • 600 BCE


  • Period: 600 BCE to 100 BCE

    The model of the Roman family

    Women did not participate in politics.
    Girls received the same education as boys until adolescence.
    The pater familias was the family's highest authority.
    The sons of wealthy families were educated at home by greek masters.
  • 509 BCE

    End of the Monarchy

    Lucius Tarquinius Superbus last king end of The Monarchy
  • Period: 509 BCE to 30 BCE

    The Republic

    6TH-1ST century BC
    The Roman Republic was a political system wich lasted five centuries.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 100 BCE

    Mediterranean expansion

    5th century-3rd century BC. 3rd century-2nd century BC. 1st century BC.
  • Period: 476 BCE to 500 BCE

    The fall of Rome

    The Heruli overthrew Romulus Augustulus, the last Roan emperor in the west.
  • Period: 410 BCE to 476 BCE

    Arrival of the Visigoths

    Howevwr, the division did not improve the situation in the western half of the Empire.
  • Period: 395 BCE to 410 BCE

    Division of the Empire

    Honorius received the western half, with Rome as its capital.
    Arcadius received the eastern half, with Constantinople as its capital.
  • Period: 300 BCE to 400 BCE

    The Roman Diet

    The wealthier classes had a rich diet wich included meat and fish.
    The poorer classes primarily ate bread, soup and barley or wheat porridge.
  • Period: 200 BCE to 300 BCE

    Roman Economy

    Agriculture was the most important activity.
    Livestock farming was essential, but raising horses was crucial.
    Mining was among the economic activities that brought the greatest prosperity.
    Artisanal activity also became very important.
    Trade also developed, especially during the Pax Romana.
  • Period: 200 BCE to 300 BCE

    The consequences of expansion

    Plebeian revolts, in the 2nd century BC, the Gracchus brothers, both tribunes of the plebs, attempted to implement reforms to help the most disadvantaged citizens.
  • Period: 43 BCE to 44 BCE

    The crisis of the 1st century BC

    The first triumvirate, formed by Pompey the Great. Julius Caesar and Marcus Licinius
  • Period: 35 BCE to 40 BCE

    The senate

    The senate was the most important institution.
  • Period: 35 BCE to 40 BCE

    The comitia

    Were made up of free citizens, who were organised based on their wealth and origin.
  • Period: 30 BCE to 476

    The Empire

    1ST-5TH AD
    Rome expanded around the mediterranean, from the Iberian Peninsula to the near east provinces
  • Period: 16 BCE to 60 BCE

    The Roman Army

    The Roman army was made up of free men. It became a professional army.