220px vladimir putin (2017 07 08) (cropped)

Romanov Dynasty

By izzydog
  • Beginning of Romanov Dynasty

    mikhail Romanov elected Tsar by the national council, beginning the romanov dynasty
  • Peter The Great

    Rule of Peter (the great) first tsar to use the title emperor
  • New Capital

    St Petersbrug established as new captial
  • Expansion

    Romanov empire expanded to include Crimea, Ukraine, Georgia and some parts of poland
  • Napoleon invades

    Napoleon invades Russia the tsar Alexander ordered the burning of Moscow, resulting in Napoleons defeat
  • New tsar

    Russian army offices tried to force the new Tsar Nicholas to introduce political reform in the Decemberist uprising
  • Defeat

    Crimean war resulted in a humiliating defeat for russia
  • Emancipation

    Emancipation edict abolished serfdom in Russia
  • Assassination

    Alexander II asssassinated by terrorist group the peoples will
  • Nicholas II

    Rule of Nicholas II
  • Social party

    Russian Social democratic party split into Menshevick and Bolshicick factions
  • Japanese war

    Russo Japanese war resulted in the1905 revolution and the announcement of the October Manifesto
  • First World War

    Russia was involved in the first world war
  • Nicholas II abdicated

    March - Nicholas II abdicated and power was transformed to the provisional government.
  • Bolshevik Party

    October - Bolshevik Party seized power from the provisional government in a coup
  • Romanov Family Executed

    Romanov Family Executed in Ekaterinburg by Bolshevik agents as the russian civil war escllated