264-146 BCE Punic Wars
The Punic Wars consisted of three wars between the Carthaginian Empire and Rome beginning with fighting over Sicily. By the end of the Third Punic War, Rome had a strong navy and was an independent state that dominated the Mediterranean Region. The Carthaginian Empire was destroyed and suffered a lot of destruction so people fled into the city and this led to the rise of the demigods and eventual First Triumvirate.
Punic wars. Google images. www.punicwars.com. Retrieved on August 21, 2015. -
31BCE Battle of Actium
After Caesar's murder and due to civil wars a Second Triumvirate was formed. It was made up of Mark Antony, Gaius Octavius ( Caesar's grandnephew), and M. Aemilus Lepidus. The Battle Of Actium was the final war of the Roman Republic between Octavian and combined forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. The civil wars were over and Octavian began the task of restoring peace and prosperity and transforming Rome from a Republic to an Empire.
Battle of Actium. Google images.com. Retrieved on August -
272-327 CE Life of Constatine
Constantine was a Roman Emperor that became the first Christian to rule and freed the Christians so he gained a large group of followers to help his army and cause. He raised an army and tried to regain one Empire. He moved the capital to Constantinople.
Constantine. Google images.com. Retrieved on August 21, 2015.
Kagan, D., Ozment, S., Turner, F., & Frank, A. (2013). The Western Heritage (Eleventh ed., Vol. Combined). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. -
44 BCE Death of Julius Caesar
Picaro and Pompey conspire to destroy Caesar and Caesar knowing this crossed the Rubicon which violated Roman law. Cato and Pompey flee and eventually Caesar returns to Rome where is murdered on the Senate floor. A civil war breaks out after this due to Rome's love of Caesar and distrust of the government.
Julius Caesar. Google images.com. Retrieved on August 21, 2015.
Kagan, D., Ozment, S., Turner, F., & Frank, A. (2013). The Western Heritage (Eleventh ed., Vol. Combined). Upper Saddle Rive -
476 CE Fall of Rome
The Fall of Rome was a gradual process that began in the Early Empire and esculated. The Roman army had weakened over time and in order to maintain what army they had taxes were continuously raised. Increased taxes led to inflation, decreases in trade and agriculture production, and people began to leave the city. Repeated civil wars, invasion of the barbarians and Germans and some blame the rise of Christianity led to the eventual fall of Rome.Kagan, D., Ozment, S., Turner, F., & Frank, A. ( -
Jan 1, 600
60 BCE First Triumvirate
Violence after the death of Sulla led to the creation of the First Trimmvirate, a political alliance of three Roman politicians which was made up of Gaius Pompey; controlled the army, Marcus Crassus; controlled the Equestrians, and Julius Caesar; the Tribal Assembly.
First Tiumvirate. www.google images.com. Retrieved on August 21, 2015. Kagan, D., Ozment, S., Turner, F., & Frank, A. (2013). The Western Heritage (Eleventh ed., Vol. Combined). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. -
Apr 21, 753
753 BCE Founding of Rome
Legend claims Rome was founded by Romulus and Remas, twin brothers, that were the sons of Rhea Silvia, daughter of King Numitor. Romulus and Remas were orphaned and raised by a she-wolf.
Romulus and Remas. www.googleimages.com. Retrieved on August 21, 2015. Kagan, D., Ozment, S., Turner, F., & Frank, A. (2013). The Western Heritage (Eleventh ed., Vol. Combined). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. -
509 BCE Founding of the Republic
Noble families revolt, bringing monarchy to an end and the creation of the Roman Republic. Rome would now be ruled by elected officials instead of kings. A constitution was formed which was an unwritten accumulation of laws and customs. They elected two patricians to office of counsel that led the army. This post was only granted for one year. Citizens now had the right to appeal capital punishment outside the army. Roman Rebublic. www.google images. Retrieved on Aug 21, 2015. Kagan, D., -
68 CE Death of Nero
Nero outlaws executions. His mentors try to eliminate his mother so he murders her and eventually loses his mind. He believes everyone is after him and murders many of his family which leads to his exile. Nero was the first emperor in Roman history to commit suicide and this is the beginning of the end of the line of Roman Emperors. After his death the first civil wars since Mark Antony broke out in Rome. His death led to the Year of the Four Emperors.
Nero. www.googleimages.com. Retrieved -
180 CE Death of Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor and considered one of the most respected. His reign was marked by wars and disease. He was an ardent student of Stoicism and some of his writings are found in the Meditations.
Marcus Aurelius. www.biography.com. Retrieved on 21 August 2015.
Kagan, D., Ozment, S., Turner, F., & Frank, A. (2013). The Western Heritage (Eleventh ed., Vol. Combined). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.