The Beginnning
(509 B.C) The Romans overthrew Tarquin the Proud, the Etruscans, and set a Republic. In the goverment people could choose their own rules, but the head of the Roman Republic were 2 consuls. The republic was more democratic. There were praticians who were the members of oldest richest families. Then there were the pleabians whio were the poor citizens and the ones that paid the taxes. -
(450B.C) The lwas of the Roman were not written down but carved on 12 bronze tablets calles the Twelve Tables. The particians and the plebians had to respect the laws. Most of the laws tallked about court action, wills, or property roghts. -
Punic Wars
(264B.C) This year is when the Punic wars started. First Romans had conquered some of the Greek city-states. Then the Roman got contact with the Carthaginians and the started to fight against each other. During the first Punic Wars the Romans lost many ships and men, but at least at the end they made agreed to make peace with the Carhaginians. -
(250 B.C) There were different election of tribunes and recording of laws. After more plebians demands were heard and respected. Finally they decided that no one could be sold into slavery because of the debt. -
End of Punic Wars
(146 B.C) The end of the Punic Wars were really crucial and harsh. The 3rd Punic War ended with another fight between the Carthagianians and the Romans. It began becaiuse Carthage was gaining power so the Romans attacked. At the end Rome started to get the controll of different stated and then became the leading power of the Meditteranean Sea, -
Decline of the Roman Rep.
(135 B.C) In this year the decline of the Roman Republic began. There was an enormous gap between the poor and the rich. The goverment was too busy getting rich, and ignoring the problems of the republic. Instead the merchants gor poorer because Romans were getting luxuries from other places. At the end Rome was no more stable. -
(133 B.C) After 100 years , and different leaders reformers came to Rome. Tiberius Gracchus, who was the 1st reformer, became a tribune. He started to make new laws for the Roman citizens. He improved the reformers and made the goverment take over the wheat. At the end the Senate got threatned so much by him that they had to kill him. -
(60 B.C) The political was passed on to the Trimvarate, which is a group of 3 people with equal power. The first Triumvarate included Julius Ceasar, Pmpeius, and Crasseus. These leaders had different ideas and they wanted to rule Rome in different ways. -
Death of the Great Leader
(44 B.C) Ceaser was getting a lot of power, everynody agreed with what he did except the senators. His power was so strong that senators got afraid and frightened of Julius Ceasar that they plan to kill him. He was stabbed to death on the 15 of March. -
The End
(31 B.C) The trimvarate worked out for sometime, but after fights broke aong the leaders, The end of the Republic started witth the victory of the new leader, Octavian. Octavian started to rule over the Roman Empire for 4 years.