
Roman Republic from the Beginnng to the End

  • Rome is now a Republic

    Rome is now a Republic
    In 509 B.C the Romans swìtch to a republic or democracy where the patricians or higher class are able to vote fo their leaders, Such as their two consuls who were chosen every year to be administstrator and military leaders, They also voted for the Senate which is made up of 300 men of senators who advised the consuls. ALong with the judges, ssemblies and the tribunes of governement officals who protected the rights of the plebians.
  • Now everyone knows the Law

    Now everyone knows the Law
    Before this time the laws of the Roman Rrepublic were not written down beofre this time. Now they were carved into twelve tablets and called the Twelve Table. They were placed in the Forum. These laws were at first written so that the plebians knew the laws. They applied to both the patricians and the plebians.
  • Plebains are equals

    Plebains are equals
    In 250 B.C. plebaians were offically allowed to vote and run fo office. To top it all of it was now illegal to be sold into slavery because of debt.
  • The Punic Wars conmmence

    The Punic Wars conmmence
    264-Punic Wars begin with Rome and Carthage in Spain clashing. In the first of the three wars, Rome starts their first navy and defeat the Carthaginians and they agree to make peace. In the second Punic War Hannibal attacked Rome on land by foot with elephants.After facing the cruel Alp Mountains and losing their troops and elephants they make allies with the Gauls of France. During the attack Hannibal is presented with the unfortunate news of the attack in Carhage and is forced to retreat back.
  • Rome takes control

    Rome takes control
    146 B.C- At this time Rome is now ruling most of the Mediterranean world. T od this they went from being the leading power of central Italy in 290 B.Cc then they ruled the whole penninsula in 275 B.C.
  • The Thrid Punic War finishes

    The Thrid Punic War finishes
    146 B.C- The Third Punic War began after 50 years of peace. The Romans thought that Carthage was gettign stronger so they attacked and put salt in their land so that no crops would grow. They either killed the Carthaginians or sold them to slavery. Then the Romans attacked their allies because they wouldn't obey their demands. Rome then controlled the entire Mediterranean world.
  • Rome is in trouble

    Rome is in trouble
    135 B.C- Rome is now slowly sinking. Farmers have lost their land, economic nad political independance. Merchants have also become poorer. The government officals were too busy becoming rich to worry about the republi'c problems. Even worse the gap between the rich and the poor became too huge because the rich hated and feared the poor while the poor hated the rich. This ends the Roman Republic.
  • Julius Casear

    Julius Casear
    46 B.C.- Julius Casaer became dictator. He started out a tribune then he was governor of a Roman province where he built a large strong armythat were loyal to him. everyone feared he was too stong and ordered him to break his legion and return to Rome but instead he entered with his troops and became dictator.
  • Julius Casear- May He Rest In Peace

    Julius Casear- May He Rest In Peace
    44 B.C. Julius Casear was stabbed to death on March 25, 44 B.C. There were about 60 men involved in his death. he had been planning on making himself king which worried the Romans. So as he walked in for a meeting and was stabbed right in fromt of his seat. The final blow was given by his best friend Brutus
  • Time for a new Reign

    Time for a new Reign
    After Caear death every Roman went after those responsible. Later Caesar's adopyed son and grand-nephew took control after being a triumvrate didn't work. Octavian was offically the sole ruler of the Roman Empire.