Roman Punic wars.

  • 753 BCE

    The founding of Rome

    On April 21 Rome was founded by Romulus and his twin brother, Remus who were both raised by wolves.
  • 509 BCE

    The start of the republic

    In 509 Bc the Roman republic was born after the last Etruscan king ,Lucius Tarquinius Superbus,
  • 306 BCE

    A new ruler

    A new ruler came to power in Rome 306 Bc when Constantine at the age of 23 was elected by his troops to become the leader of Rome.
  • 264 BCE

    The start of the war

    The wars started in 264 Bc when Rome wanted to expand their land to Sicily, which evidently was under the control of Carthage, resulting in battles to have the possession of Sicily.
  • 218 BCE

    The second Punic war begins

    In 218 Bc the city of Rome declared war on Carthage for the second time, which did not go as well for Rome in the following year as the first war had.
  • 149 BCE

    The siege of Rome

    In 149 Bc the city of rome began attack on Carthage as they tried two times to scale the city walls but were repulsed both times.
  • 107 BCE

    The war against Jugurtha.

    Gaius Marius, having enacted the marian reforms of the Roman army, arrived in North Africa to lead a war against Jugurtha.
  • 83 BCE

    Sulla's civil war

    In 83 Bc a Sulla's civil war broke out between the Roman general Lucius Cornelius Sulla and his opponents, the Cinna-marius faction. The war ended with a battle just outside the city of Rome itself.
  • 45 BCE

    Julius Caesar comes to power.

    IN 43 Bc Julius Caesar became the first dictator of Rome after taking too much control after being elected, ending the Roman republic.
  • 44 BCE

    The death of Julius Caesar

    On March 15, 44 Bc Julius caesar the Roman dictator was stabbed to death by assassins who were believed to be the Roman senators.
  • 406

    The attack on the Roman empire.

    The city of Rome was invaded and attacked by a group of barbarians cross the Rhine frontier into the territory of western Rome