Roman History

  • 753 BCE

    Ancient Rome was founded

    Ancient Rome was founded
    Ancient Rome was founded by 2 brothers names Romulus and Remus.
  • 509 BCE

    Tarquin The Proud was deposed.

    His rival for power, Lucius junius Brutus, reformed the system government and established the Roman Republic.
  • 53 BCE

    lead a sizable force against the parthians at carrhae.

    Crassus later then died afterwards when truce negotiations broke down.
  • 49 BCE

    Caesar crossed the Rubicon river with his army.

    Caesar crossed the Rubicon river with his army.
    He entered Rome at the head of it.
  • 48 BCE

    Caesar numerically inferior force defeated pompeys greater one.

    Pompey and Caesar met in the battle of Greece and pompey fled himself to Egypt.
  • 45 BCE

    Julius becomes a dictator

    They rule Julius as a dictator.
  • 44 BCE

    Julius was assassinated by a group of Roman senators.

    Julius was assassinated by a group of Roman senators.
    He was assassinated pricisely because of his achievements.
  • 42 BCE

    Mark Antony joined forces with Caesar nephew and heir to defeat the forces of Brutus and Cassius.

    Mark Antony joined forces with Caesar nephew and heir to defeat the forces of Brutus and Cassius.
    Mark Antony joined people so they can defeat the battle of phillippi.
  • 31 BCE

    Antony and Cleopatras combined forces were defeated at the battle of Actium.

    Later after, they both took their own lives.
  • 27 BCE

    Octavian was granted extraordinary powers by Augustus.

    Augustus was the first emperor of Rome.
  • 14

    Augustus stopped ruling the empire because he died.

    He first started ruling in 31 bce
  • 64

    Great fire of Rome

    Great fire of Rome
  • 68

    Neros suicide

    Neros suicide
    Following his suicide, Galba assumed rule and instantly proved unfit for the responsibility.
  • 79

    Titus saw the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

    The eruption buried the cities of Pompey and Herculaneum.
  • 80

    Building of the Colosseum.

    Building of the Colosseum.
  • 81

    Titus dies of a fever.

    Titus dies of a fever.
    After Titus died, it was succeeded by his brother Domitian.
  • 96

    Domitian was unpopular with the roman senate and later was assassinated.

    The roman senate didn't like what Domitian was doing for the economy.
  • 169

    Verus Death

    Verus Death
    After his death it seems to have been fairly effective.
  • 192

    Commodus was strangled by his wrestling partner in his bath.

    Because of this, the Nervan Antonin dynasty ended and it raised the perfect pertinax to power.
  • 217

    Carcalla stopped ruling

    He ended up being assassinated by his bodyguard.
  • 235

    Alexander severus assassination.

    After his assassination, it plunged the empire into chaos known as the crisis of the third century.
  • 285

    Empire was divided in half by Diocletion.

    He divided it to facilitate more efficient administration.
  • 305

    Diocletion voluntarily retired.

    The tetrarchy dissolved as rival regions of the empire vied with each other for dominance.
  • 312

    Constantine defeated Maxentius at the battle of the Milvian Bridge.

    After this, he became the sole emperor of both the western and eastern empires .
  • 325

    First council of Nicea.

    Constantine presided over the gathering to codify the faith and decide of the important issues .
  • 363

    Emperor Julian stopped ruling.

    In the time of Julian ruling, he tried to return Rome to her former glory through a series of reforms aimed at increasing efficiency in government.
  • 378

    Roman emperor Valens was defeated.

    Roman emperor Valens was defeated.
    The historians mark this event as pivotal in the decline of the Western Roman Empire.
  • 418

    Orosius argued Christianity innocence in Romes decline.

    He claimed it was primarily paganism itself and pagan practices which brought about the fall of Rome.
  • 476

    Western Roman Empire officially ended.

    It ended because Emperor Romulus Augustus was deposed by the Germanic King Odoacer.
  • 1453

    The eastern Roman empire ended.

    The roman empire continued on as the Byzantine Empire but it ended.
  • Resources

    Ancient Rome and Roman Empire by Joshua J. Mark