Roman History

  • 753 BCE

    village of rome founded

    Start of civilization
  • 600 BCE

    Rome was a province of Etruria

    Rome is growing
  • 509 BCE

    Romans revolted

    Romans revolted against the Etruscan kings and created the system of government by the Senate and the Assembly
  • 494 BCE

    first disputes

    first disputes between patricians (wealthy landowners who controlled the Senate) and plebeians (ordinary citizens)
  • 450 BCE

    "Law of the 12 Tables" provides written Roman law

    first written roman law
  • 390 BCE

    Gaulic invasion sacked Rome

    rome gets taken over
  • 282 BCE

    War with Pyrrhus

    Rome goes to war
  • 265 BCE

    Rome completed the occupation of the Italian peninsula

    Rome controls the italian peninsula
  • 264 BCE

    First war with Carthage (First Punic War)

    rome at war
  • 238 BCE

    Conquest of Sardinia

    rome expands
  • 229 BCE

    First Illyrian War (Balkans)

    rome at war
  • 219 BCE

    Second Illyrian War

    rome at war
  • 218 BCE

    Second Punic War (Hannibal crossed the Alps)

    rome at war
  • 215 BCE

    First Macedonian War

    rome at war
  • 200 BCE

    Second Macedonian War

    rome at war
  • 200 BCE

    Gaul invasion of northern Italy

  • 192 BCE

    Syrian War

    rome at war
  • 171 BCE

    Third Macedonian War

    rome at war
  • 149 BCE

    Fourth (and final) Macedonian War

    rome at war
  • 149 BCE

    Third Punic War and final defeat of Carthage

    rome at war
  • 135 BCE


    rome at war
  • 91 BCE

    The "Social War" (revolt by Roman allies in Italy)

    rome deals with revolt
  • 88 BCE

    First Mithridatic War (Black Sea region)

    rome at war
  • 88 BCE


    Sulla became the first Roman general to seize power
  • 88 BCE

    Civil war in Rome

    rome at war
  • 88 BCE

    Second Mithridatic War

    rome at war
  • 79 BCE

    Sulla 2

    Sulla returned power to the Senate
  • 74 BCE

    Third Mithridatic War

    rome at war
  • 64 BCE

    Pompey captured Jerusalem

  • 58 BCE

    Julius Caesar appointed governor of Gaul

    first step to assassination
  • 133


    Tiberius, the first senator to advocate land reform, was assassinated in 133 BCE by land-owners.