
Roman History

  • 753 BCE

    Rome founded

    Rome founded
    Rome is founded and becomes one of the most influential classical civilizations to Western culture and thought.
  • 509 BCE


    Romans rebelled against the Etruscan kings and made a government by Assembly and Senate
  • 450 BCE

    12 Tables

    12 Tables
    The roman made "Law of the 12 tables". This is the first form of written law.
  • 264 BCE

    Punic wars 264-146 BCE

    The roman defeated the Carthaginian empire and expanded their territory.
  • 133 BCE

    Senate down

    The first senate of Rome to advocate land,Tiberius,was assassinated by land owners.
  • 79 BCE

    New Senate

    Sulla returned power to the senate
  • 58 BCE

    First Triumvirate

    The Senate yielded power to the First Triumvirate which consisted of Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar.
  • 45 BCE

    First Dictator

    Julius Caesar defeated Pompey and became the first dictator of Rome.
  • 44 BCE

    Julius' assassination

    Julius' assassination
    Julius Caesar was assassinated on a order from the senate.
  • 44 BCE

    The second triumvirate

    After Julius Caesar died Marc Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian ruled Rome and were known as the second triumvirate.
  • 33 BCE


    Jesus was crucified and Christianity began.
  • 31 BCE

    Giving peace

    Octavian defeated the combined forces of Cleopatra and Marc Antony. They resided to Alexandria and committed suicide which brought peace to Rome.
  • 30 BCE

    Government develops

    Rome has their first governor
  • 31

    Octavian's new name

    Octavian became the first emperor of Rome and is now known as Caesar Augustus.
  • 64

    Some of Rome gone

    There was a fire in Rome during Nero's rule that destroyed much of Rome.
  • 66

    Jewish Revolt

    Jewish revolt in Judea
  • 70


    Expulsion of Jews in Judea(Palestine)
  • 79

    Mt. Vesuvius

    Mt. Vesuvius
    Mt. Vesuvius erupted and preserved the city of Pompeii
  • 90

    First Bishop

    Rome got their first Christian Bishop
  • 96

    Pax Romana 96-180 CE

    Pax Romana 96-180 CE
    Period of time of "The five good emperors" including Nerva,Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius
  • 180

    Decline in imperial power

    Commodious succeeded his father Marcus Aurelius and imperial power began.
  • 285

    Divide and move

    Emperor Diocletian divided the empire and moved his capital to Byzantium.
  • 305

    Christian emperor

    Christian emperor
    Constantine became the first christian emperor of Rome
  • 324

    Reunited 334-337

    Constantine reunited the empire back together.
  • 361

    Defeat and Death 361-363

    The Romans failed to defeat the Persians and in the process of war the Eastern emperor Julianus was killed.
  • 395

    Divided again

    After a death the heirs to Theodosius decided to divide the Roman empire for the last time
  • 408

    Young Emperor 408-450

    Young Emperor 408-450
    A new emperor in the east, Theodosius II, at age 7
  • 409

    Alaric's Visigoths

    Alaric's Visigoths
    Alaric's Visigoths invaded northern Italy and set up his own government
  • 425

    End of Johannes

    End of Johannes
    Theodosius II sent forces from the east to kill Johannes the usurper and Valentinian III is the new western emperor.
  • 1453

    Fall of Rome

    Constantinople was defeated by Ottoman Muslims