753 BCE
The Founding of the Roman Monarchy
753 BCE
The Beginning of the Rule of Romulus
509 BCE
The establishment of the Roman Republic
At this time the Roman monarchy was overthrown and became a republic -
Period: 264 BCE to 146 BCE
The Punic Wars
A serious of wars waged with Carthage, whom Rome claimed was of a Punic (untrustworthy) faith -
202 BCE
Battle of Zama
The last battle of the 2nd Punic war, after Rome defeated Hannibal, causing Carthage to sue for peace -
Period: 100 BCE to 44 BCE
The Life of Julius Caesar
60 BCE
The Start of the First Triumvirate
The Political alliance composed of Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus -
Period: 58 BCE to 50 BCE
The Gallic wars
The campaign waged by Caesar against the Gauls for the defense of Rome -
52 BCE
Battle of Alesia
Battle which ended the Gallic wars with a Roman victory -
48 BCE
Battle of Pharsalus
Caesar's civil war against Pompey -
Period: 43 BCE to 33 BCE
The Second Triumvirate
This alliance was Comprised of Marc Antony, Lepidus, and Rome's later emperor, Octavian -
42 BCE
Battle of Philippi
Battle between the Forces of Octavian and Mark Antony versus the leaders of Caesar's assassination Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longus -
31 BCE
Battle of Actium
Octavian's battle and victory against Mark Antony that allowed him to seize control of Rome -
27 BCE
The End of the Roman Republic and The Start of the Empire
Period: 27 BCE to 14
Rule of Augustus
Period: 27 BCE to 68
Julio-Claudian Dynasty
Period: 27 BCE to 180
Pax Romana
The long lasting period of peace and prosperity put in place by Augustus -
Birth of Christ
The start of the new era for how our years are numbered -
Period: 14 to 37
Rule of Tiberius
Period: 37 to 41
The Rule of Caligula
Period: 41 to 54
Rule of Claudius
Period: 54 to 68
Rule of Nero
Period: 69 to 96
Flavian Dynasty
Period: 69 to 79
The Rule of Vespasian
The first of the Flavian Emperors who restored peace and prosperity to Rome -
Eruption of Vesuvius
Mount Vesuvius near Pompeii erupted, destroying the entire city and coating the remains in ash -
Period: 79 to 81
The Rule of Titus
Completion of the Colosseum
Started by Vespasian and finished by his successor Titus -
Period: 81 to 96
The Rule of Domitian
Period: 96 to 98
Rule of Nerva
Period: 98 to 117
Trajan's Rule
Period: 117 to 138
Rule of Hadrian
Period: 138 to 161
Rule of Antoninus Pius
Period: 161 to 180
Rule of Marcus Aurelius
Period: 193 to 211
Reign of Septimius Severus
Period: 270 to 275
Rule of Aurelian
Period: 284 to 305
Rule of Diocletian
Period: 306 to 337
Rule of Constantine
The Emperor who Converted Rome to Christianity -
Period: 475 to 476
Reign on Romulus Augustulus
Considered to be the last emperor of Western Rome -
The Fall of the Roman Empire
After fracturing into Eastern and Western Rome, Western Rome fell victim to many attacks from barbarians, inevitably leading to its downfall