753 BCE
Rome was founded -
616 BCE
Rome is conquered by the Etruscan civilization
575 BCE
The etruscans bring urbanization to Rome transforming into a city
509 BCE
The republic begins
509 BCE
The Romans overthrow the Etruscans
494 BCE
Revolt of the Plebeians
451 BCE
Puublication of the Twelve Tables of roman law
390 BCE
Sack of Rome by the Gauls
265 BCE
Roman conquest of Italy is complete
218 BCE
Hannibal Invades
146 BCE
The city of Carthage is destroyed, Rome annexes its territory
73 BCE
Spartacus Slave Uprising
45 BCE
Julius Cesar becomes a dictator
44 BCE
Julius Caesar death
31 BCE
Mark Antony's Civil War
30 BCE
Octavian defeats Cleopatra and conquers Egypt
27 BCE
Octavian becomes Augustus Caesar, Rome's first emperor
27 BCE
The Roman Empire
14 BCE
Death of Augustus