753 BCE
City of Rome built by twin brothers.
This event drastically affected Rome's expansion just because of the simple reason that Romulus and Remus (are believed) to be the founders of Rome. -
750 BCE
Latin settlement on what is to become Rome.
This event has a huge impact in the modern world because this is the when everything started, the roots of the Roman Society and their contributions to our world. -
600 BCE
Etruscans seize Rome
Impact: Through this event, Etruscans took control of the Roman society and during this transition the Romans adopted Etruscan alphabet, art, religion, arquitecture and the arch (short distance tunel). However during this conversion (maybe) some of the Roman culture must have been lost. -
509 BCE
Romans abolish the Etruscans
The Romans take back what rightfully belongs to them, this is a crucial event in Roman history, because it allows the Roman society to thrive and asume recognition of those advancements. However due to this event taking place, the Etruscan society vanished long before the Ancient Roman society. -
451 BCE
First Roman Law Code created.
This event creates the Roman Law Code, which was carved in 12 tablets and hung in Forum (Center of Rome). This event was important because this event led to the evoution of the Roman empire, which is important to strengthen Rome as a society.
In my point of view there is no repercussions created from this event. -
Period: 264 BCE to 241 BCE
First Punic War
This event affected Rome in a significant way, because the Roman Empire had to bestow supplies to those in the war, dwindleing their own. As a repercusion, the aftermath of the war, the renewal of supplies and the replacement of military staff. -
256 BCE
Rome gains control of the Italian Peninsula.
This is important because this event helped rome expand and gain control of more territory, clearly important because it helped the Roman Empire intensify its potency. As a repercusion, Romans became more vulnerable to foreign attacks. -
220 BCE
Rome takes control of the entire Italian Peninsula and the surrounding Islands.
This event was crucial in the expansion of Rome because it helped Rome gain more territory at mainland and at sea, and more territory means more power; however Roman Government had more responsability when it came to protecting their territory, specially abroad. -
Period: 218 BCE to 202 BCE
Second Punic War
The second war aided Rome in their journey towards expansion in the way that it gained them more reputation as an Empire. As a repercusion, the aftermath of the war. However, Rome won the war. -
149 BCE
Third Punic War
This event aided Rome in their rise to power because it ensured Rome's victory over the (other) major potency in the Mediterranean, thus, granting Rome control of Europe and the Mediterranean.