Roman Empire Time Line

By falcii
  • 31 BCE

    Battle of Actium

    Augustus defeats Mark Antony and Cleopatra in a naval battle.
  • 27 BCE

    Augustus becomes emperor

    Augustus becomes emperor
    Augustus was given Imperium Maius by the senate and became the first Roman Emperor.
  • 27 BCE

    Augustus becomes emperor

    Augustus becomes emperor
    Augustus was given imperial powers by the senate and became the first Roman Emperor.
  • 19 BCE

    Aeneid was Published

    the Aeneid was published by Augustus despite Virgil’s wishes
  • 19 BCE

    Aeneid was Published

    Aeneid was Published
    the Aeneid was published by Augustus despite Virgil’s wishes.
  • 5 BCE

    Jesus was born in Jerusalem

    Jesus was born in Jerusalem
  • 5 BCE

    Jesus was born.

    Jesus was born.
    Jesus was born in Jerusalem.
  • 2 BCE

    Augustus the Pater Patriae

    Augustus was declared the father of his country, Pater Patriae
  • 2 BCE

    Augustus named Pater Patriae

    Augustus was declared the father of his country, Pater Patriae.
  • 9

    Tiberius defeats Arminius

    Tiberius defeated Arminius. Arminius prior destroyed two Roman legions in Germany.
  • 14

    Tiberius becomes emperor

    Tiberius becomes emperor
    Tiberius, the adopted son of Augustus and his chosen successor, became emperor. He was one of the emperors in the Julio-Claudian Dynasty
  • 14

    Tiberius becomes emperor

    Tiberius becomes emperor
    Tiberius, the adopted son of Augustus and his chosen successor, became emperor. He was one of the emperors in the Julio-Claudian Dynasty.
  • 19

    Tiberius exiles the Jewish people

    Tiberius gave the Jewish people an option to abandon their faith or fight in the Roman army.
  • 33

    Jesus is Crucified

    Jesus is Crucified
  • 33

    Jesus is Crucified

    Jesus is Crucified
  • 37

    Caligula becomes emperor

    Caligula becomes emperor
    Caligula became emperor and was one of the emperors in the Julio-Claudian dynasty
  • 37

    Caligula becomes emperor

    Caligula becomes emperor
    Caligula became emperor and was one of the emperors in the Julio-Claudian dynasty.
  • 39

    Caligula started a military campaign in Germany

  • 39

    Caligula started a military campaign in Germany

  • 40

    Caligula reaches English Channel

    Caligula and his troops reached the english Channel and he order them to take seashells
  • 40

    Caligula reaches English Channel

    Caligula and his troops reached the english Channel and he orders them to take seashells.
  • 41

    Caligula was assassinated

    Caligula was assassinated
    Caligula was assassinated by a Praetorian Guard
  • 41

    Claudius becomes emperor

    Claudius becomes emperor
    Claudius became emperor despite the will of the Senate and was one of the members of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty
  • 41

    Caligula was assassinated

    Caligula was assassinated
    Caligula was assassinated by a Praetorian Guard.
  • 41

    Claudius becomes emperor

    Claudius becomes emperor
    Claudius became emperor despite the will of the Senate and was one of the emperors in the Julio-Claudian Dynasty.
  • 42

    Claudius started construction of the Port of Ostia

    Claudius started construction of the Port of Ostia
  • 42

    Port of Ostia

    Port of Ostia
    Claudius started construction of the Port of Ostia
  • 43

    Claudius leads his troops through Gaul and invades Britain

  • 43

    Invasion of Britania

    Claudius leads his troops through Gaul and invades Britain.
  • 54

    Claudius is murdered

    Claudius was murdered by his wife Agrippa after adopting Nero and making him his successor. He was the last of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty.
  • 54

    Nero becomes emperor

    Nero becomes emperor
  • 59

    Nero began giving public performances

    Nero began giving public poetry and lyre performances to the wealthy elite.
  • 64

    The Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome
    The Great Fire of Rome started from shops in the southeastern edge of the Circus Maximus and ragged for 10 days. The cause of the great fire is contributed to the poorly constructed wooden apartments in the slums of Rome. These apartments easily allowed the fire to spread.
  • 65

    Conspiracy against Nero

    A group of Roman elites, including his former mentor Seneca, planned to assassinate Nero.
  • 67

    Titus given commanded of a legion

    Titus was given command of a legion in Judaea under his father Vespasian.
  • 68

    Nero kills himself

  • 68

    Galba becomes emperor

    Galba becomes emperor
    Galba accepted Vindex's offer to head the rebellion against Nero with Otho. After Nero killed himself, Galba marched into Rome with an army and was proclaimed emperor by the Senate.
  • 68

    Aulus Vitellius becomes governor

    Vitellius became the governor of lower Germania and won over the Germans with his generosity.
  • 69

    Unrest in Germny

    Legions in Germania with refused to pledge their loyalty to Galba and proclaimed that Vitellius was the rightful emperor.
  • 69

    Titus is put in charge of the Jewish war

    Titus was put in charge of the Jewish war and later destroyed Jerusalem.
  • 69

    Otho becomes emperor

    Otho becomes emperor
  • 69

    Vitellius becomes emperor

    Vitellius becomes emperor
    Vitellius gained the support of all of Germanica, Espania, and Britannia for the emperorship. He was recognized by the Senate, crossed into Rome, and replaced the praetorian guards with his own German army.
  • 69

    Galba choses Piso as sucessor and is killed

    To win senatorial support Galba chose Lucius Calpurnius Piso Frugi Licinianus as his successor, not his loyal friend Otho. Otho was upset and conspired against Galba and won the support of the praetorians and Galba and Piso were murdered in the Roman Forum.
  • 69

    Otho is defeated

    Otho sent the Roman navy to Narbonensis, called the Danube legion, and marched with them. Otho was defeated in Bedriacum.
  • 69

    Otho commits suicide

    Otho commits suicide after he is defeated.
  • 69

    Vitellius faces Vespasian

    Vitellius faced Vespasian's forces in the Second Battle of Bedriacum and Vespasian’s brother convinced Vitellius to abdicate and he did.
  • 69

    Vespasian becomes emperor

    Vespasian becomes emperor
    Vespasian started gaining support after Otho’s defeat from legions in Egypt, Judea, Syria, and other middle eastern countries and was proclaimed emperor after many military victories. Vespasian is the first emperor of the Flavian Dynasty.
  • 69

    The year of the Four Emperors

    69 CE is the year of the Four Emperors
  • 72

    Vespasian starts building the Colosseum

    Began building the colosseum and it was completed by his son Emperor Titus.
  • 74

    Vespasian annexed Agi Decumates

    Annexed the Agri Decumates in Southern Germania.
  • 79

    Titus becomes emperor

    Titus becomes emperor
    Titus became emperor and this created hostility between him and his brother Domitian. Titus was an emperor in the Flavian Dynasty.
  • 79

    Mount Vesuvius erupts

    Mount Vesuvius erupts
    Mount Vesuvius erupts and causes the destruction of Pompeii.
  • 81

    Titus dies

    Titus died and it was believed to have been hastened by his Brother and successor Domitian.
  • 81

    Domitian becomes emperor

    Domitian becomes emperor
    Domitian was the last emperor in the Flavian Dynasty.
  • 85

    Domitian becomes censor for life

  • 89

    The Revolt of Antonius Saturnius

    The revolt of Antonius Saturninus ended in execution and the law of majestas was used liberally against senators.
  • 96

    Domitian is murdered

    There was a conspiracy against Domitian and he was killed, ending the Flavian Dynasty. The senate rejoiced Domitian’s death; however, the army demanded justice.
  • 96

    Nerva becomes emperor

    Nerva becomes emperor
    Old Nerva promptly took control of the empire. Nerva was the first of the Five Good Emperors.
  • 97

    Nerva is imprisioned by praetorian guard

    There was a mutiny in the praetorian guard and Nerva was imprisoned and the conspirators who killed Domitian were killed in cold blood.
  • 98

    Nerva choses Trajan as his sucessor

    Nerva adopted Trajan to be his heir and to secure the northern provinces.
  • 98

    Trajan becomes emperor

    Trajan becomes emperor
    Trajan is the second of the Five Good Emperors and was the first Emperor to be born outside of Italia.
  • 99

    Trajan entered Rome on foot

  • 105

    Trajan defeats the Dacians

    Trajan left Rome and battled and defeated the Dacians, absorbing the kingdom of Dacia into the empire.
  • 117

    Hadrian becomes emperor

    Hadrian becomes emperor
    Trajan did not name a successor, but Trojans wife was fond of Hadrian and signed the papers naming him Trajan’s adopted heir. Hadrian was the third Good Emperors.
  • 117

    Trajan dies on his way back to Rome

    When trouble erupted on the Northern Frontier Trajan left his men in Syria and retreated back to Rome; however, he died one the way back, some speculate he was poisoned, and his body was returned to Rome.
  • 122

    Construction for Hadrian's wall starts

    Construction for Hadrian's wall starts
    Construction for Hadrian’s wall in Northern Boundary in Britania started.
  • 131

    The Arch of Hadrian was built

    The Arch of Hadrian was built
    The Arch of Hadrian was constructed by the Athenians to honor Hadrian as the founder of the city.
  • 134

    Pius governors the providence of Asia

  • 138

    Hadrian dies

    Hadrian died and his adopted successor was Pius.
  • 138

    Pius becomes emperor

    Pius becomes emperor
    Pius was the adopted successor of Hadrian. Pius was not Hadrian's first choice but because of his old age Hadrian chose Pius. Pius is the fourth Good Emperor.
  • 142

    Pius begins the construction of the Antonine Wall

    The Antonine wall is an extension of Hadrian's wall.
  • 161

    Pius dies

    Pius dies of a fever.
  • 161

    Pius adopts Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius was Hadrian's second choice to take over the empire, but, because of his age, he was not chosen. Pius adopts Marcus Aurelius to be his successor.
  • 161

    Marcus Aurelius becomes emperor

    Marcus Aurelius becomes emperor
    Marcus Aurelius is the last Good Emperor. He was groomed by Pius to take over after his death.
  • 161

    The Parthrian war starts

    The Parthian king invaded Armenia, which was under Roman protection. This is resulted the of providence Syria revolting and the start of the Parthrian war.
  • 167

    Marcomanni tribe invades Roman providences

    When this Germanic tribe invaded the Roman providences, Aurelius joined his general, Verus, on the battle field to push back these invasions.
  • 178

    Marcus Aurelius retires and dies

    After defeating the Germanic tribes, Aurelius retired to Vindobona and died two years later in 180 CE.